Sentences with phrase «quest for someone»

Here are five mobile dating apps to help you in quest for love and lust.
Search for the right dating websites and check the advice forums, when on quest for a serious Russian woman.
While surprising, this extreme quest for love makes viewers question how far they would go to find their own soul mate in a world increasingly dominated by social media.
He continued to focus his experience, treatments and quest for knowledge on what causes ill health in children and how to treat and heal in the safest, most effective manner.
Searching for her love who's on a hell - bent quest for revenge!
I'd rather people were reading for the story than in some sort of quest for perfect prose.
For centuries, science and religion have been pitted against each other as incompatible quests for truth.
A similar approach might assist in the never - ending quest for better batteries.
Decorating your home is a never ending quest for new ideas to make it beautiful, original but that the same time functional and practical.
He acknowledged and took personal responsibility for the primal reality of the human quest for power.
My work is based on extensive training, experience and a continued quest for knowledge, coupled with compassion, intuition, optimism and collaboration.
The idea that truth and beauty can be expressed is needed in our world more than ever, not in an ideological sense but in a personal quest for meaning.
An insane work ethic, a constant quest for perfection, a true passion for what I do, and a genuine love of making people happy.
The player is tossed against a series of intimidating enemies, while on a mysterious quest for freedom.
By week three, I really felt like a professional in my personal quest for health.
In fact, many of these endeavors have begun not as quests for glory, or profit.
By its very act of ignoring him, the landscape invited him out of his frantic quest for self - fulfillment.
Will you be able to apply some of it to your own quest for success?
My never ending quest for true intimacy is what I think led to my obsession with the Persona series, as well as my interest in the original hippie.
In our never - ending quest for happiness, it sometimes doesn't occur to us that what we're searching for may be right inside our own bodies.
Our own minds are left isolated, stranded in a strange and hostile environment which offers no support in our own quest for meaning.
Today, in their obsessive quest for profits, the mainstream publishers have created an artificial divide between the games for the casual gamer and for the hardcore enthusiast.
Many of the common tropes exist, such as killing enemies and completing quests for experience to level up.
In my never ending quest for new snack options for my boys, I have tried some strange combinations.
This led her on an exhaustive quest for answers.
We're a global business with an international team that believes in the strength of diversity, teamwork, and the continuous quest for excellence.
Combining history, psychology, and anthropology, this book explores what we can learn from tribal societies about loyalty, belonging, and the eternal human quest for meaning.
It can seem unfair but top - level sports are not social experiments — they are quests for glory.
Finding your full courage usually doesn't happen overnight, but rather is cultivated one small quest for independence at a time.
Welcome to an exploration of the integral role of women in our nation's long quest for social justice.
What's the point to the centuries - long quest for life out there?
But in the world's and our own quest for beauty and peace suffering may and will occur.
And when you're in your early twenties, this thirst for escape and quest for adventure tends to define your nightlife.
Sometimes recruitment can feel like an impossible quest for what you can only assume is now an extinct beast.
There will also be a bunch of side quests for you to complete if you wish.
This is a case of what's old is new again, especially since these grains fit right into our current quest for healthy, wholesome ingredients.
In a common quest for social justice, she wonders how far we have actually come.
Often, that quest for greatness results in excess stress and inadequate amounts of sleep.
It's not just the difficulty, it's the heavy emphasis on grinding for character advancement and fighting through epic quests for every scrap of XP in order to advance your characters.
Their promise is that their endless quest for new customers will drive them to innovate at a faster pace than not - for - profit and public schools.
It is part of the reason for the current quest for yield — a race into fixed income and away from stocks.
It is about our relentless quest for the perfect cup of cold brew coffee.
Companies are in a constant quest for quality drivers, and oftentimes, they start their search at commercial driving schools.
His talk called «Go circular or go home» will outline the brand's own ongoing quest for sustainability.
The Author quest for affordable quality design will continue.
I have a deep appreciation for an individual's quest for emotional healing and growth.
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