Sentences with phrase «union activists»

"Union activists" refers to individuals who are actively involved in advocating for the rights and interests of workers as part of a labor union. Full definition
He has the majority of trade union activists standing behind him.
We will use our blog and print publications, as well as working with union activists and campaign groups such as More Than A Score to organise knowledge - building seminars and regional conferences.
The union highlights comments from teachers who responded to the survey and stressed these were «classroom teachers and not union activists».
The NASUWT, the largest teachers» union, has been deeply disturbed to hear of a savage attack on trade union activists in Baghdad as part of an ongoing campaign of intimidation against the country's trade unions.
Since 1979, Labor Notes has been the voice of union activists who want to put the movement back in the labor movement.»
The Los Angeles teachers union must combat public perceptions that it protects bad teachers and should help them improve with better training, a city school board member told union activists in a wide - ranging speech Sunday.
An internal document prepared off the record for American Federation of Teachers union activists and accidentally posted online explains how union lobbying in Connecticut worked to undermine a full version of the trigger.
Labor Notes claims to be the «voice of union activists who want to put the movement back in the labor movement.»
The union will decide in the coming months whether to send its monthly organ, California Educator, to all active charter school teachers, to create promotional materials for distribution to charter school teachers about the joys of teachers» unions, and to create workshops for union activists with the title «How to Unionize Charter School Teachers.»
Ronnie Draper — General Secretary of the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union made the comments as union activists urged mobilisation against UKIP, to expose their «racist policies» and that electing them was an «an attack on the fundamental basic principles of the trade union movement and all working class people.»
The Chicago teachers» strike of 2012 will be looked back on as a turning point in a new kind of teacher unionism, something that rank - and - file union activists have been advocating for years.
Now union activists across the country are pressing companies for more in a campaign known as the «Fight for $ 15,» which has successfully spurred cities and private companies to establish higher wage floors.
New School students, joined by union activists and students from other...
Union activists supporting Barrett, meanwhile, rolled out voter outreach tools including one, still in private beta testing, that lets supporters reach out to likely voters among their Facebook friends.
Audacity by Melanie Crowder is a fictionalized account of the real life of Clara Lemlich, an early 20th - century Jewish labor union activist.
Across the Hammer's courtyard, nine old welding tables, modified by Sterling Ruby, carry traces of the absent labouring body — which is depicted explicitly on ten nearby monitors showing episodes of Labor Link TV, a public - access television show established by photographer Fred Lonidier and other union activists in 1988.
WAC has joined together with community and union activists from across Ontario to fight for decent work.
Union activists remain unconvinced by the proposals and believe their is a lack of action over tests for older pupils.
A coalition of idealistic youngsters, anti-austerity union activists and grizzled left - wingers returning to the party they quit in disgust under Blair has proved to be a large part of that dramatic increase.
That Labour candidate is trade union activist Bernard Harkins who will hope the traditional Labour constituency built on coal mining will value this background ahead of banker Beattie.
Bill became a postman in Liverpool in 1974, and after 18 years as a lay union activist before becoming a full time official in various capacities and being elected general secretary in 2001.
He dismisses suggestions that his plans for one person, one vote elections for the Labour leadership and deputy leadership will lead to ordinary members being swamped by a stage army of leftwing union activists recruited as affiliated supporters.
«Priti Patel MP: Taxpayers shouldn't be paying the salaries of union activists Main Andrew Boff: The removal of the clauses from the Localism Bill, allowing local people to originate policy, is a victory for the political class, not the public»
Yesterday at Comment is Free there was an article by the feminist and trade union activist Cath Elliott about what's being called the Broken Society.
The Delegate Assembly held a moment of silence for four UFT leaders who recently passed away: Harriet Merchant, a former UFT treasurer and head of the UFT Scholarship Fund, and Morris Shapiro, a UFT founding member and former vice president for vocational high schools; Rosalyn Dorsey, a UFT Executive Board member and paraprofessional coordinator; and Telesha Hillary, a teacher at PS 149 in Brooklyn and, as Mulgrew said, «a great union activist
Most people on the Labour Left and amongst Left union activists would agree with much of its analysis of the failings of New Labour.
NEW YORK, NY — JUNE 02: Macy's workers and other union activists hold a demonstration outside of the retailer's flagship store at Herald Square in Manhattan on June 2, 2016 in New York City.
Mr Corbyn's comments will delight hardline union activists and leftie Corbynista supporters who have demanded mandatory re-selection to boot out rebel MPs.
Neil Kinnock wanted to be liked tried to appeal to groups that Labour hadn't in the past courted, the police, the city, small businessmen, liberals, Ed has tried to appeal to a group that haven't voted labour in 12 years union activists and guardian readers, while only loosing a few progress types, will the Tories manage to portray him as kinnock no, 2, but those people in the city, those sceptical of unions or the police who stopped voting Tory in97 ′ have never gone back to the Tories to see.
But Hewitt knew of no evidence that faculty retaliated against grad student union activists.
The schools attracted more than 80 bids in total, about half coming from within the district, including area superintendents, teacher confederations only sometimes involving union activists, and the mayor's own partnership school organization.
Consummate teachers» union veteran Reg Weaver overwhelmingly won election last week to the National Education Association's highest post, defeating Los Angeles union activist Denise Rockwell for president.
Union activists often depict the Gates Foundation as the mastermind behind corporate education reform.
Many union activists oppose DeVos» efforts to deteriorate a «big government approach» to education and to ultimately give states and local school districts regulator power.
* California Teachers Association September 23, 2016 memo to union activists about pension negotiations with its own staff.
Elsewhere, he added, such efforts have translated to silencing union activists and narrowing what students are taught.
Tea Party conservatives and militant, anti-testing union activists have forged an unlikely alliance to oppose the Common Core.
If you were to think of songs associated with the labor union movement or various union strikes, the songs of the prolific union activist and songwriter Joe Hill might come to mind.
Scott continued to make films for several decades, like the landmark union activist documentary Nightcleaners (1972, as part of the Berwick Street Film Collective), but he achieved something of particular significance with the works featured in tonight's program.
Student and union activist Jennifer Scott talks with Redeye about opposition on campus and in the Downtown Eastside to a $ 10 million donation from Goldcorp.
The Shadow Chancellor was filmed telling union activists that «one small spark» of tuition fee protests led to further demos
A longtime teachers union activist, Gallant has been picking up support from across the district despite having just moved there.
That could be plenty of time for union activists to forget the tough givebacks that Cuomo extracted back in 2011.
Believing he was among friends, UFT boss Mike Mulgrew showed what he's really made of during a closed - door meeting with union activists — spewing hatred toward education «reformers» and charter schools, and even admitting he sabotaged teacher evaluations.
Some of Klein's Bronx neighbors sided with their senator over the teachers - union activists who protested outside his office on East Tremont Avenue.
Before his academic endeavors he was a rank - and - file union activist,» writes Fox.

Phrases with «union activists»

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