Phrases with «to protect the environment for future generations»

Sentences with «to protect the environment for future generations»

  • Lovely A. Warren, Rochester's mayor, said that the Solar Field would both save taxpayer money and help to «protect the environment for future generations by reducing our carbon footprint.» (
  • «On a very personal note, we're laying to rest a dear friend, not just a dear friend for me personally and a mentor, but a dear friend to each and every citizen of the state of New York and, I think, all Americans, someone who stood for integrity, who stood up for what he believed in, was courageous and would not hesitate to speak truth to power and also someone who understood the importance of protecting our environment for future generations,» says Hein. (
  • OzHarvest is passionate about minimising food waste and protecting our environment for future generations. (
  • (see all sentences)
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