Sentences with phrase «experience with the company»

For you to profit from our many years of experience with companies of various sizes in numerous industries.
And when they have bad experiences with a company during the hiring process, they don't forget.
A good internship will give you hands - on experience with the company.
I've had not great experiences with companies like these before, the monthly membership for clothing & accessories type.
The goal is to tap into these ranks of satisfied customers and to have them share their anecdotal experiences with your company in a public setting.
I've had two really positive experiences with your company and have been pleased with the outcome.
Lastly, write your work experience with the company name, designation, period of working, role and responsibilities.
Because if they don't, they are risking the customer not pulling the trigger on the bigger - ticket, multi-year contract, due to dissatisfaction with their first experience with your company.
Past customers will give you honest accounts of past experiences with the company and give you valuable information.
You can talk about a personal experience with a company or why you're inspired to want to do whatever it is you do.
I am very interested continuing to build my career and gain more experience with your company.
I would like to build on my outside sales experience with a company who would give me challenge, reward, and the tools for success.
This is when you begin to uncover unseen factors, such as competing interests, politics, or prior experiences with your company or a similar company.
This could be gaining some sort of specific experience with the company, helping solve a business problem, etc..
It's the sum total of customer perception through experience with your company, its products, and its services.
It's like having a personalized experience with a company rep in person, but it occurs in a virtual world, whenever and wherever the customer wants.
I wanted to thank you so much for a perfect experience with your company.
Each insurer calculates its rates based on its actual experience with the company's customer pool, so you may be able to find another insurer that would offer you a lower rate.
A graduate scheme is a work - based training programme that allows recent graduates to gain practical experience with a company, giving them a head - start into the world of work.
It will help you to smoothly align your education, hobbies, and work experience with the company requirements and culture.
He had been with the same company for his entire career so we decided to focus on his higher level experience with the company.
As a claims adjuster I'm seeking opportunity to utilize my current experience with a company that is growing to provide me the opportunity to advance my skills.
I want to be able to utilize my vast successful experience with a company that I can make a difference with.
Does anyone have any first or second hand experience with this company or does anyone have any other suggestions for property management in that county?
I didn't really have a bad experience with this company, but I can not recommend it to other authors because of the way they treat people and their poor results.
Frequently, if other people had a good experience with the company that you are considering, you will have a good experience with them as well.
As a certified driving instructor, I have a lot of experience with the companies that supply online driver training courses including online traffic schools.
Connect your passions and past experiences with the company, explaining how that will result in your effective performance.
Your review should be an honest assessment of your personal experience with our company.
Industry: Automotive Company size: 1 - 10 Level: Entry Focus: Education Experience with the company: More than 1 year
Close your eyes for a moment and think about the last time you truly had a great experience with a company as a consumer, an experience that captured your heart, mind and spirit.What about it was special?
Mr. Radtke brings to the Board extensive knowledge of the energy business, including experience with the Company's assets and operations.
Professor Whysall has extensive retail consultancy experience with companies such as Alliance Boots and Tesco and previously served on the National Retail Planning Forum.
Compare this to a company like Walmart who requires that employees stick to «official» Twitter uses in customer service in order to aid in its scalability — a fine tactic, but not as friendly as what customers experience with companies like Best Buy and Southwest Airlines.
You want them to have a great experience with your company from the first moment of contact — whether that's getting a cold call from your sales team, meeting a representative at a conference, or even just seeing a tweet.
But it is the harvesting of Facebook data that has cast the harshest spotlight on Cambridge, and Mr. Bolton's experience with the company appears to have provided a model for how it sold itself to future political campaigns, including Mr. Trump's.
And one major financial services institution told customers that it was making a major shift in focus from being a financial retailer to a financial adviser, but, a year later, research showed that the customer experience with the company had not changed.
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