Sentences with phrase «about authority»

What has been said about authority implies that he reveals what it means to live in terms of the way reality actually is.
I find my self considering whether people who feel it necessary to talk about their authority actually have real authority.
The property I'm getting in my budget is situated in the colony which is yet to be authorized by the municipal authorities and Form 31 asks about the authority which approved that property.
The fact is that, though the churches share what I will call a common tradition about authority, that tradition is in the midst of a severe crisis.
If that pushes me up in the top of the search results does that say something about my authority?
But I have started a series about my authority site.
This project also attempts to pursue questions of property, public space and ecology and to understand more about the authority that claim the land and the sky.
If a law firm comes up frequently in natural search results versus paid ads, does that say something to some degree about their authority?
It says something that I've got some money, but I don't know that it says anything about my authority.
When people in the church talk about authority they are very often talking about controlling people or situations.
He raised concerns about the authority's ability to complete big projects in a timely manner and the problems construction could cause in his community.
Increasing the amount of authority doesn't help a child who doesn't care about or respect what society says about authority.
This way of speaking about the authority of Scripture stands in contrast to how it is often spoken of among Christians, as a phrase invoked to shut down conversation and bolster one particular interpretation of Scripture.
Speaking about the authority's fostering service, a Tower Hamlets council spokesman said: «In every case, we give absolute consideration to our children's background and cultural identity.»
I've answered your question about authority with reason giving authority and your attempt at making out that I am not interested in rationalising the «real story» about Jesus.
Still, between her own self - doubt and the scrutiny of just about every authority figure in her life, Michikio seems to be reconsidering things and maybe making some positive steps.
I still love the body of church but I have serious doubts about authority in the american church: -LRB-
Orb and Effy Learn About Authority This story / lesson explains how and why authority is used to govern.
Church members are confused about authority, bewildered about mission, worried about finances, contentious about norms and ethics, and anxious about the church's survival.
We can also understand that to Jesus» contemporaries these stories would have entailed claims about his authority.
However, some of the steps ordered by DOJ went beyond what is required of voucher schools under state law, leaving DPI uncertain about its authority to follow them.
«When arriving at Harvard, many participants don't expect to come away assessing how they think about authority, or their openness to delegating responsibility, or new ways they may need to adjust their personal leadership.»
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[«So, if I brag a little too much about the authority which the Lord gave us, I'm not ashamed.
My final words about Authority Dog Food are as follows.
Read vs. 8 about the authority given to MEN (not just a man who was Christ).
NYCHA Chair and CEO Shola Olatoye has been at the center of a firestorm lately related to the public housing authority's lapses in lead paint inspections, violating federal and city laws, filing faulty documentation, and not telling NYCHA residents and the public about the
You're going to want to do this for a while, because people respond to messages far more strongly than they do to specific design quirks (barring complete ugliness, which is really about authority anyway).
When we look back at the controversy, we can see that it was not only about the Bible; it was about authority within the church.
«The moral we should draw from the European past, and in particular from Christianity, is not instruction about the authority under which we should live, but suggestions about how to make ourselves wonderfully different from anything that has been.»
Forgetful of its catholic roots and ambivalent about the authority of Scripture, Reformation Christianity has begun to look more and more like an empty Protestant principle, a mere negation of hierarchy and tradition with no positive content of its own.
To the extent that the hostile tradition about authority takes hold, a church becomes not so much a church but a collection of what Robert Bellah has recently called «life - style enclaves.»
We can talk all day about its authority, yet its other qualities — its life, wit, anger, passion, questions, answers — are what really amaze me, I will never get to the bottom of it.
That must be the primary eschatological assertion about the authorities, political and demonic, which govern the world: they have been made subject to God's sovereignty in the Exaltation of Christ.
Matthew and Luke have allowed the truth about the authority of Jesus to come out obliquely; John puts it into the mouth of Jesus himself.
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