Sentences with phrase «about authorship»

The Métamatic Research Initiative (MRI) stems from the fascination of art collectors Allard and Natascha Jakobs with the work of Jean Tinguely, and a more general interest in questions about the authorship of worksofart.
Thus in his essay on Psalms, Alter raises questions about authorship, dating and the sociological context, but then devotes the bulk of his attention to issues of genre, convention, style, structure, diction, literary allusion and thematic organization.
One session Thursday (May 12) stood out, having leveraged the comparative laid - back tone of this off - year, off - road BEA to promote a serious discussion about Authorship in the Digital Age, sponsored by Copyright Clearance Center.
Leslie often works in collaboration with artists and writers as a way to question conventional assumptions about authorship as well as working in response to situations or locations as a way of extending and testing the role of art practice and its outcomes.
Through these personal connections and new ways of thinking about authorship, publishing, and the role of libraries in their communities, Tonya found the support she needed to publish her students» writings in the Los Gatos vortex.
avafoperates with a hedonistic spirit, and engages in frequent collaborations with musicians, designers, dancers and other artists, challenging conventional assumptions about authorship and the role of the artist's persona in society and the contemporary art world with their core beliefs as foundation: «share, generosity, contaminate, be contaminated, devour, be devoured, travel, and spread».
These works, Sotheby's six panel version is above, are particularly market friendly as they combine the artist's ideas about authorship with a sturdy medium and the gold tone that has come to be associated with some of his most valued works.
A couple weeks in the parish looking around at things, assessing the state of the Sunday school or catechetical education or the decrepit office equipment, with your head simply bubbling with all the latest liturgical gizmos plus a really whiz - bang theory about the authorship of John, and you will wonder how this creaky old congregation ever managed to survive without you.
Attention must be devoted to: the absence of contact with the supervisor, faulty project propositions, uninspiring and lonely working surroundings, the absence of an introduction into the organisation, disagreement about authorship as well as academic freedom, and intimidation by the supervisor.
Journal, disciplinary, institutional, divisional, and departmental expectations are all well and good, but as a practical matter most decisions about authorship are made locally, and that's where breakdowns often occur.
Students felt strongly connected to their drawings, and this led to a passionate discussion about authorship.
Much of the information that has come down to us by tradition about the authorship, place and date of biblical writings, about differences of text and translation, and the like, is the outcome of intelligent critical discussion which took place between the first century and the fourth.
However, modern scholarship does not always support the conviction of the early Church about the authorship of New Testament books.
But if you ever do get the time — you really need to settle down and take a look at what we really know about the authorship of the gospels.
Modern classicists have long argued back and forth about the authorship of his Oath and the other writings in the Hippocratic corpus.
With the lack of a universal policy about authorship, what should you consider your responsibilities to be?
Try to handle all disagreements about authorship within the group of authors and with the PI.
One issue not addressed — and of considerable interest — is rules about authorship, citations, and so on: If I post my data, can other scientists use it in their own scientific articles?
Scientific disciplines differ in their norms about authorship and credit, work culture, and expectations about intellectual property rights and distribution of results.
Perhaps the best and most pragmatic advice about authorship is that it should be discussed before a publishing project begins.
Third, the student should consider how her or she came to wonder about authorship only at the end of the process.
Follow links to articles about authorship, ghost writing, and many more.
It is filled with so much information about authorship as well as editing.
The inclusion of Nauman's autograph — received by Thomson at a book - signing event in New York and later transferred into neon — adds to the ongoing conversation about authorship and consent already present in the exhibition.
Visitors are encouraged to make both technical and thematic comparisons between the artworks, study historical documentation that places Still's family in 1920s Alberta where the artwork may have been painted, and draw conclusions about the authorship of this work.
This might be a reference to the changing values of iconography from religious to capitalist, a Duchampian dialogue about authorship in art and the committing of art - historical sacrilege in the defacement of high - art to, ironically, create high - art.
Guided by a selective and distinctive appropriation of history, art history and popular culture, Laric has long worked to collapse categories and undermine beliefs about authorship and authenticity.
The real Wallinger consists of a large letter «I» painted on canvas — itself a joke about authorship and identity.
Moore did not respond to a question about her authorship sent via email.
Their use of an ever - changing team of contributors breaks with traditional artistic thoughts about authorship and artistic signature.
Richard Prince came of age in New York in the late»70s, as part of a loosely knit group of artists, including Cindy Sherman, Sherrie Levine, and Jack Goldstein, who used photography to re-contextualize art and media images, challenging received ideas about authorship and originality.
In the exhibition, Pendleton raises questions about authorship and history through a range of works including paintings, ceramics, silkscreens and film.
(Okay, so that last bit is a personal theory about the authorship of Hebrews, but the question still stands!)
And I wouldn't base decisions about authorship and video snippets solely upon this study.
So our feelings about authorship are much less of an issue, or at least we feel that we are always under construction and not some singular fixed being.
In frequent collaborations with musicians, designers, dancers, and other artists, avaf challenges conventional assumptions about authorship and the role of the artist's persona in contemporary society and the art world.
In antiquity, as we have already seen when discussing the canon, questions were raised about the authorship of various New Testament books.
So, Salero21, you were going to tell me about the authorship of the gospels when you got sidetracked here and by your queasy feeling about «ho - mos» above.
The onus on young scientists to think about authorship and other questions of career is significant.
In Bar's formulation, literacy — whether it's achieved with pen and paper or with a video camera — is the ability to tell and share stories; it is about authorship.
Ideas about authorship and authenticity and influences from literature, psychology, pop culture and art history are filtered, distorted and often discarded as they find three - dimensional form.
Brown was short - listed for his exhibitions which pose questions about authorship and status in art through paintings portraying works from old master pictures to science fiction illustrations.
By impersonating Charlotte Perriand and photographing herself in the same pose on the chaise longue, Murdoch asks complex questions about authorship and identity.
I believe the exhibition is also a response to larger questions about authorship, artistic personalities and creative tendencies.
They raise questions about authorship and aura, and the sacredness of «the artist's hand».
The group, which explored the essence of painting and undermined traditional institutional structures, raised questions about authorship and originality.
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