Sentences with phrase «about being pregnant»

That's the best thing about being pregnant in spring / summertime.
But there are experts out there — medical experts, and other parents of twins, who've written some wonderful books about being pregnant with and raising twins.
The most exciting part about being pregnant, for me, was buying baby items.
This article helps you with information about being pregnant and what to stay aware of.
The changes in periods can sometimes make people worry about being pregnant, but the chance of pregnancy is very low if you've been using your ring correctly.
Here's what you will and won't miss about being pregnant!
I am devastated by my loss, and I feel guilty sometimes for being happy about being pregnant again.
There's lots to love about being pregnant, but being comfortable or staying athletic aren't usually highlights!
I have been seeing post about her being pregnant but now I know for sure.
One of the best things about being pregnant in the summer?
In this episode, our twin moms share how they felt about being pregnant with twins.
Between working full time, taking care of normal household duties and raising our 2 - year - old, there just isn't as much time to think about being pregnant this time.
As time goes on, mothers note that they forget so much about being pregnant.
Here's everything you need to know about being pregnant and working.
So many people talk about how «They're eating for two,» when conversation about being pregnant comes up.
Many women experience intuition about being pregnant, about the health or gender of their unborn baby or about complications they may have during pregnancy or delivery.
One of the biggest perks about being pregnant through the summer was that I could just throw on a loose dress each day.
If I have any complaint about being pregnant it is the lack of clothing available for professional women.
The home visitor will ask if you have any questions about being pregnant or being a parent and will give you the information and support you need to be a great parent.
With so many amazing moments to choose from, we wanted to know what some of our reader's favorite things about being pregnant were.
Having to go to the bathroom so often was really my least favorite part about being pregnant.
Have you friends / family to whom you can both / turn to for advice, support and / or information about being pregnant, delivery and / or becoming parents?
When anxiety and worries about being pregnant or having a baby would occasionally get me down, he'd build me back up and remind me of how strong and capable I am.
If an expectant mother is super excited about being pregnant, getting the opportunity to enjoy wearing maternity gear with pride can be a milestone experience.
I was made for warmer weather (probably the only thing I'll miss about being pregnant is not having that internal heater all winter).
Not only would you get another opportunity to experience all the things you loved about being pregnant, you would be doing something huge for someone else who doesn't have that chance.
Maybe I'm unfair, but they haven't been pregnant and given birth... Maybe it just had to be Deepak Chopra (with the help of woman...; — RRB -, to deliver such a magical book about being pregnant and giving birth.
a good thing about being pregnant before is that you know roughly what to expect, and certain things will be less scary or weird.
Check out these 17 clever riddles about being pregnant that are just perfect for sharing on social media!
Lauren — «The bit I found the hardest was listening to my work colleague complain about being pregnant, I would just switch off or walk away as I couldn't cope.
«So far what we know is that the people that we're most concerned about are pregnant women, and in the general public four out of five people seem to have no symptoms and one out of five has very, very mild illness and without us expecting to have lots of deaths.»
I dream quite often about being pregnant — this has happened for years (literally).
Even now, ten weeks from giving birth, I am ambivalent about being pregnant...»
«I started talking to my son about being pregnant almost as soon as I learned the news.
You will daydream about being pregnant together, taking care of their little ones while they are in labor and bringing your children over to play while they are recovering in the next room.
My son also just self - weaned at 25 months, which gave me a bit more confidence about being pregnant.
What I would like to present to you here is research based information on breech birth — so you can make an informed decision about being pregnant with a breech baby and birthing a breech baby.
Each April 1st, people would make April Fool's jokes about being pregnant and they didn't know how much it hurt me.
If the prenatal exposure to alcohol occurred in the context of social drinking or binge drinking prior to knowledge about being pregnant, it is important to address the mother's emotions and concerns, and support her decision to quit alcohol use when she did.
«Cultural mythologies strongly influence women's expectations about being pregnant
one thing I find challenging about being pregnant (besides, well, actually being pregnant) is SHOPPING.
One downside about being pregnant is that I am ALWAYS hot and the 90 degree weather we have had all summer in Chicago has not been helping.
It took nearly eight months to feel okay about being pregnant
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