Sentences with phrase «absolute nothingness»

"Absolute nothingness" means a complete and total void or the absence of everything. It refers to a state where there is absolutely nothing present or existing. Full definition
Likewise who can deny the celestially straddled above us that nothingness is the stellar environments great seas of absolute nothingness holding together all of every universes within the great Cosmos of the unknowable?
Who likewise can fathom a rationalization that nothingness being the great seas of outer - space flow inwardly as lakes and rivers and streams of absolute nothingness binding always together and ever keeping apart all atomized quadrants in all spatial commodities?
He may also reply that, since panpsychism is the proper view of reality, a universe devoid of minds is the same as absolute nothingness.
Do you Redhead know just exactly how far and wide and high and low absolute nothingness truly is?
Can you Redhead fathom the moorings of absolute nothingness wherefrom all material meanderings are held submissively in the absolute body of nothingness itself?
Can your mind even grasp the potential being of such absolute nothingness compared with the atomic clusters of the celestial abyss of the cosmos?
With each stage placed over an endless drop into absolute nothingness, players will inevitably die several times.
Born was created from absolute nothingness: The Void.
When one dies and is cremated the Nothingness that encompasses our physical essences is given back to the Great Seas of Absolute Nothingness, the Holy Spirit of God.
The Holy Sea of Nothingness is their Spiritual Father, God's Holy Spirit and when they die and are recieved into the Holiness of Absolute Nothingness, they will then see all that which they are missing out on for their unwaivering want of Nothing to be their finality, their ending day.
This rejection of uncreated and hence necessary principles fits with the doctrine that the existence of finite actualities is strictly contingent, and that they were created out of absolute nothingness.
This universe ensemble of the many so many cosmos of celestial omnipotence is ever lingering within the great seas of absolute nothingness being the Holy Spirit of the Almighty One and only God that ever so was and is and forever will so be!
It makes sense to understand that absolute Nothingness is God's Holiest Spirit and our embodied physical natures are bound up and intertwined with entrails of God's most Holy Nothingness and is returned to God's Holiest Celestial Nothingness upon our deathly departures...
Presence in the first sense is opposed to total absence or absolute nothingness, while in the second sense, it is opposed to partial or provisional absence of a present reality.
If this is absurd, if the notion of absolute nothingness is mere verbiage, because it does not «make sense,» then the notion of there being no trees is likewise absurd — but clearly it is not.
Because the world, properly negated, is nothing other than a hole — absolute Nothingness.
Sun yata is an «emptiness» which is neither eternalism (absolute oneness) nor nihilism (absolute nothingness).
Can you Redhead fathom the moorings (I am not securing any vessels at the time, although I am sure my uncles fishing boat is pulled up on the beach) of absolute nothingness (yes, I am currently studying dark matter but that is not nothingness) where from all material meanderings (to meander is to be in a constant change of path (like religions) currently are, I am not religious and I do not meander as I see it as a waste of time when traveling from one place to the next.)
In perishing, the occasions of experience are not relegated to absolute nothingness but instead are assigned an «objective immortality» in the experience of subsequent occasions.
For God does never change His spiritualism and His Holy Spirit is the Great Sea of Absolute Nothingness!
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