Sentences with phrase «academic law library»

I am currently writing an article which basically looks at and updates a piece I published five years ago on the future of academic law libraries.
How are academic libraries — and especially academic law libraries — responding to these challenges?
A blog about all things academic law libraries and legal research.
This all - encompassing regard for the client and the distinct workplace aura it creates are noticeably different from the public library and academic law library environments.
The Harvard law library is the largest academic law library in the world.
But most of these were smaller libraries in law firms and courthouses: most Canadian academic law libraries never did adopt KF Modified, and some of those who did have recently given it up, reverting to unmodified Library of Congress Classification, using KE for their Canadian law holdings.
[Source: ALL - SIS Newsletter — Academic Law Libraries Special Interest Section of the American Association of Law Libraries]
TAGS: Legal institutional repositories; Digital law libraries; Digital legal libraries; Academic law library services to faculty; Legal preprint services; Legal eprint services; Legal scholarly repositories; Legal digital repositories.
Reviewing Kathryn's post in advance, I see that she's identified a group of issues that the prospect of collecting GL in a major academic law library raises.
In Friday's Law Librarian Conversations podcast (formerly the Law Librarian podcast) we talked about the up - take of this week by academic law libraries, especially considering that the focus tends to be on public libraries.
I hear from those in large law libraries that are somewhat open to the public, such as academic law libraries, that they get a number of pro se litigants — i.e. people who intend on representing themselves in court — trying to do legal research.
The directors of the Canadian academic law libraries recently met with representatives of the national library to get them to purchase the silver halide fiche from the LLMC project so that the digital records are preserved in and for Canada.
So, the title is likely referring to the management of a Library, Research, or Information Services, or KM operations, within the context of a law firm or academic law library setting.
3) Print case law reporters: I also think that private law firm law libraries (unlike academic law libraries) will increasingly cancel print case law reporters, sooner rather than later.
One of my colleagues among the Canadian academic law library directors recently conducted a survey of our libraries to discover who continues to subscribe to The Canadian Abridgment in print and why.
An argument for public access to academic law libraries based on the government funding for those institutions is somewhat qualified when you realize that as little as 1/3 of university revenues comes from government grants.
As our community of academic law libraries becomes smaller and more anemic, our university libraries may be able to provide us with a transfusion of new skills and influence within a wider information environment with greater collaborative potential, which we could use to further and promote legal information initiatives in our institutions and nationally.
Were many academic law libraries inspired to follow John Palfrey's approach to restructuring at the HLS library?
Taryn Marks — Academic Law Libraries Special Interest Section (ALL - SIS), Continuing Status & Tenure Committee; Government Documents Special Interest Section (GD - SIS), Federal Depository Libraries Program (FDLP) Committee (Chair); LexisNexis Research Grant Jury
We believed our libraries, especially academic law libraries, were a public trust, and that we had a responsibility not only to build and maintain comprehensive collections of Canadian primary law but to make these collections accessible and available not only to our students but to the local bar and to the public, too.
As many academic law libraries are open to the public and are a filler of the Access to Justice, it's important that the library has resources available to them.
I mean in particular the West Digests and The Digest (formerly the English and Empire Digest) which are likely to be held by most Canadian academic law libraries.
Would there be an academic law library willing to host the Table of Contents?
The fist of the academic law libraries to abandon KF Modified was the University of Toronto's Bora Laskin Law Library.
The Chesapeake Digital Preservation Group «features government, policy, and legal information archived from the Web through a partnership between state and academic law libraries
This reality has required me seriously to consider the function of an academic law library in the digital age.
This familiarity is further facilitated by the fact that almost all academic law libraries are physically situated within the law school.
Academic law libraries, too, are different from other libraries in the university.
The concept of the online course, now fighting its way to legitimacy, may be the last straw to the centrality of the academic law library in the United States.
CALL or CanLII or one of the academic law libraries could host the work (or a new site could be set up).
When you walk into an academic law library, the first that meets your eye is row upon row of bookstacks as far as the eye can see, filled with published law reports.
Ideally, one of our colleagues in an academic law library in Canada would take ownership... [more]
These traditional library skills are not generally available or even promoted in academic law libraries, at least in Canada, where the «technical» aspects of law librarianship have generally been outsourced to central libraries and the focus is almost exclusively on legal research and reference.
Outside of the academic law library world a couple of noteworthy bibliographies include the Suggested Textbooks section of Catherine Best's Guide to Canadian Legal Research and the website's Resources by Subject Area
Most academic law library and law society websites include some research guides or bibliographies — here are some of the ones I use the most:
Academic law libraries: gov. docs.
In general, and speaking for what I think is the academic law library community in Canada, this idea is probably not an immediate priority.
Nothing to see here folks... unless institutional law libraries (government ministries, courts, academic law libraries) are not supported.
The group is comprised of four member libraries - two academic law libraries, the Georgetown Law and Harvard Law School Libraries, and the State Law Libraries of Maryland and Virginia - and is part of the Legal Information Archive.
Almost all Canadian law libraries outside of the law schools have rejected this belief, but the academic law libraries hold fast.
He has worked in both academic law libraries (most recently as Chief Law Librarian of Osgoode Hall School, a position he held for 10 years) and private law libraries (as Library Director at Torys LLP in Toronto, among others).
Working in a an academic law library that is open to the public I've found that it is often on Friday, and more specifically, Friday afternoon that the individual who wants to challenge the constitutional validity of income tax arrives at the library looking... [more]
I use these as examples because its very unlikely that any academic law library in Canada has given any thought to canceling the print and probably most would recoil at the suggestion.
TAGS: Legal institutional repositories; Digital law libraries; Digital legal libraries; Academic law libraries; Academic law library services to faculty; Legal scholarly repositories; Legal digital repositories.
In a survey conducted by the Academic Law Libraries section of the American Association of Law Libraries, Berring was named the author of the most influential work on the profession of law librarianship from 1957 to 2006.
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