Sentences with phrase «access to contraception»

There's a need for the world as a whole to support families and governments in high - fertility countries improve access to contraception and education.
Too few women and couples have comprehensive, affordable access to contraception, including emergency contraception.
Providing access to contraception and health care for all would lower the rate of unwanted pregnancies, induced abortions, and infant deaths, helping to stabilize the global population.
A new report finds that teens are now having fewer babies than ever, thanks to better access to contraception plus lower rates of having sex.
Scientists looked at how cultural influences like easy access to contraception and medical advances reducing infant mortality, effects natural selection in modern human populations.
«Education and employment — for women especially — along with access to contraception and safe abortions are the most important components,» they write.
Most of the countries where abortion is illegal also suffer from widespread poverty and limited access to contraception — huge drivers in the abortion rate.
It is hard to believe that here we are in the 21st century and we are arguing over something so fundamental to a society as universal access to contraception.
There are a lot of traditional societies in our world, that where they have little access to contraception and exclusively breastfeeding is the standard that we see this natural baby spacing of every.
225 million women in lower - income countries say they want the ability to choose whether and when to become pregnant but lack the necessary access to contraception.
Less access to contraception and more taxpayer funded births, according to new research.
«As the nation's leading women's health care provider and advocate, Planned Parenthood has led the charge for access to contraception for nearly a century, from those first days 97 years ago when Margaret Sanger was arrested for handing out information about family planning.
The law will also increase access to contraception for women, and potentially allow for all FDA - approved prescription contraception to be available without co-pays and other out of pocket costs.
Gorsuch's record includes depriving women of access to contraception in the name of religious freedom and adhering to the same legal philosophies as the deeply conservative Antonin Scalia.
So I've been working on a project related to maternal health for the Nashville - based, nonprofit organization Hope Through Healing Hands, and in my research, I bumped into this very cool 2012 TED Talk from Melinda Gates about the importance of access to contraception worldwide.
For too long Trump's allies in the Senate Republican Majority have blocked efforts to protect Roe v. Wade in New York and pass the Reproductive Health Act, as well as legislation to ensure access to contraception.
Backed by a large number of his conference and advocates, Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie warned of «a slow and steady erosion» of reproductive rights hours before the Democrat - dominated chamber passed two measures designed to protect abortion availability and enhance access to contraception.
«Now, with threats to ACA [Affordable Care Act], talks about changing access and rumors that contraception access will now be optional for employers, you are going to have teenagers that can only get access to contraception based on whether or not their parents work for a company that will cover it,» Wilkinson continued.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the British government today (World Population Day) have been hosting a London Summit on Family Planning, aimed at expanding access to contraception and related health services for women, particularly in poor urban communities, who want more control over the size of their families.
All this changed when the sexual revolution and the rise of feminism ushered in easy divorce, the expectation of a career outside the home for married women, ready access to contraception and abortion, and the gay - rights movement.
Third World parents deprived access to contraception and abortion?
The Romney of last night's debate, on the other hand, would rather assure women of their continuing access to contraception than assure religious groups that they will not be forced to betray their consciences.
Not only would improved access to contraception impact the abortion rate in the U.S., it would dramatically reduce maternal and infant deaths around the world.
«This is not about access to contraception, which is ubiquitous and inexpensive, even when it is not provided by the church's hand and with the church's funds,» the group wrote.
Because access to contraception would dramatically improve those maternal and infant mortality rates.
The effort to distract the country from this indefensible record with claptrap about a Republican war on women, a papist plot against access to contraception, legal semantics about same - sex relationships, and other red herrings, has failed.
The Affordable Care Act requires that insurance plans cover preventative care at no cost, which includes access to contraception.
Because research looked at the years of 2008 - 2011, the Institute says that the falling numbers were not the result of recent abortion - restricting legislative measures; instead, they pointed to the overall falling birth rate and greater access to contraception.
Squaring off on «Meet The Press» this morning against Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann over the role of working mothers, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand zeroed in on the ongoing debate over access to contraception for women.
We can't let a Tea Party agenda prevail — it would take us back decades to a world where workers are denied rights, women are denied access to contraception coverage, and where the environment is under siege».
Out of the 120 million women that Girl Effect aims to provide Family Planning to, 26 million of them are adolescents without access to contraception.
Access to contraception varies widely both among and within countries struggling with poverty.
In the decades before this chemist's excursion to Mexico, first - wave feminism was brewing in turn - of - the - century United States, and birth - control pioneer Margaret Sanger demanded access to contraception — in 1915, she invented the term «birth control,» and as early as 1912, the idea of a birth control pill had been envisioned — again, by Sanger, who wrote of her hope for a «magic pill.»
The WHP, created in 2005 and implemented in 2007, was designed, in part, with the specific intention to reduce unplanned pregnancy and curb Medicaid births — and save taxpayer money, as more than half of Texas births are covered by Medicaid — by widening access to contraception for low - income women.
Today, Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) joined other independent organizations, governments, and private foundations at the London Summit on Family Planning in committing to expand women's access to contraception around the world.
Defunding Planned Parenthood only reduces access to contraception and other necessary health care.
«Unfortunately, too many states fail women and their communities by contributing to the number of unintended pregnancies by enacting policies that hinder access to contraception
Playing a crucial role in the development of the birth control pill and IUD, he was also a strong and articulate advocate for teen access to contraception and a woman's right to safe and legal abortion.
The independent Guttmacher study assessed each state's commitment to helping women avoid unintended pregnancy by measuring access to contraception; laws and policies that either facilitate or hinder access to birth control and family planning information; and public funding for family planning and services between 1994 and 2001.
Take, for example, America's birth rate among teenagers — which in recent years, due in part to broader access to contraception and sex education, has fallen to record lows.
Yet across the U.S., efforts to restrict access to contraception are growing.
With the threat to the federal contraceptive coverage guarantee looming large since the November 2016 elections, policymakers in 25 states proposed measures to preserve — and in many cases even expand — access to contraception through insurance plans (see States Must Act to Shore Up the Federal Contraceptive Coverage Guarantee).
Just as women's health opponents have been so successful at chipping away at abortion access, so too do they hope to erode access to contraception.
These efforts gained momentum over the first half of 2017 and led to some key victories that bolster access to contraception as well as protect abortion rights.
(In the same interview, he said that «not one» woman lacks access to contraception in the US, which is, obviously, blatantly untrue.)
Hosted by the UK government and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the summit aims to increase access to contraception for 120 million women living in the world's poorest countries by 2020.
In Sweden, for example, an increase in affordable access to contraception and the presence of free contraceptive counseling have paralleled a substantial increase in the teen abortion rate.
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