Sentences with phrase «to accumulate over time»

Scientists call such short - lived hazards «flow pollutants,» as opposed to «stock pollutants» like CO2 which accumulate over time.
Savings accumulate over time as older equipment and appliances are replaced with newer, more efficient models and older buildings are retired and replaced with new construction.
However, keep in mind that because interest accumulated over time you may have to pay more in the long term.
Although the one - time costs of being connected are higher on an annual basis, benefits accumulate over time, as they tend to be made as long - term investments in productivity.
This strategy, along with traditional investment diversification, provides a way to help ensure that the savings accumulated over time will be there to support your income needs in retirement.
It's important to stay on top of clutter consistently so that it doesn't accumulate over time.
However, the emergency fund can be accumulated over time with few simple strategies.
When this happens, damages to DNA accumulate over time, causing cell damage, mutation and eventually, death.
And once these chemicals find their way into your body, they tend to accumulate over time because you typically lack the necessary enzymes to break them down.
The sooner you start saving, the more money you can contribute to an account and let accumulate over time.
Moreover, losses accumulate over time and in the middle - to longer term, products that are not profitable will have to be removed.
Because these are annual reductions, hospitals committed to participation in the program can see significant improvement accumulate over time, according to study authors.
These memories accumulate over time to create a library of odors.
The researchers revealed that such alterations accumulate over time, increasing the risk of prostate cancer developing.
These are effects that could accumulate over time if the same students are repeatedly exposed to troubled peers.
It takes steady progress — and gains accumulated over time — for lower - achieving students to draw even with their peers.
Late payment penalties accumulate over time and increase the longer the taxes remain unpaid.
Let your dividends accumulate over time and then invest them as part of investing your newly created funds from step 4.
In long - lived fish like tuna heavy metals accumulate over time and the percentage of some metals present in the fish, such as mercury, can raise health concerns.
If these things accumulate over time, it could potentially cause some serious problems in your dog's intestines and stomach.
Tickets accumulated over time can add points to your driving record.
The results accumulate over time, and at little expense to you.
When the bank offers lower monthly payments, however, it will definitely be compensated with a longer duration and more interest accumulated over time.
A cash value accumulates over time as long as the premiums are paid.
«A supervolcanic eruption spews out more than 1,000 cubic kilometres of magma, which accumulated over time in reservoirs close the earth's surface,» explains Prof. Dr Axel Schmitt of the Institute of Earth Sciences.
The game even adds more realism to battles by showing dirt accumulate over time on clothing and sweat dripping down a character's face.
Reed says that because gene mutations accumulate over time in both lice species, he expected substantial differences between them.
Amongst other uses, one can borrow against the cash value that a life insurance policy accumulates over time and use it to pay for any kind of secondary education, including college.
I've talked about toxins before and the effects they have on our body, especially when accumulated over time, but I really want to emphasize the effect that stirred toxins can have on our body when they don't have an elimination pathway to leave our body through.
Use this savings calculator to see how much money you could accumulate over time by investing part of your income every month.
When you use a credit card, your credit balance accumulates over time and must be repaid plus interest.
«Today's low return expectations make building an ultra-low-cost, diversified core more important than ever, as costs accumulate over time, eroding a portfolio's total return.»
Therefore, extensive DNA damage accumulates over time and shuts down mitochondria, causing the cells to die and the organism to age.
Hefty finance fees and interest charges that accumulate over time compound the misery of fiscally - overextended consumers trying to cope with minimum monthly payments and ballooning balances.
Those years in which they struggle to find work or are underemployed often lead them to have to forebear or defer their loans which means letting interest accumulate over that time period.
A relationship has been shown with an increase in vagal tone and a reduction in allostatic load (amount of stress accumulated over time).
Greenhouse - gas concentrations are determined by the way emissions accumulate over time.
There are a lot of ways to measure the severity of a hurricane season: You can look at the number of storms, the number of days with at least one active hurricane, and a measure called «accumulated cyclone energy» (a measure of wind speeds accumulating over time).
20 minutes a day accumulates over time and is actually HUGE.
On a large scale, the older an area is, the more craters it likely accumulates over time.
Moreover, it is possible that genetic mutations that the virus accumulates over time could potentially make it more lethal or easily transmissible among humans.
«If we continue to apply phosphorus at a greater rate than we remove it, then phosphorus accumulates over time and that's what's been happening over many decades in the Yahara watershed,» says Melissa Motew, the study's lead author and a Ph.D. candidate in the UW - Madison Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies.
«Managers here are trying to restore a culture, that is, the knowledge that these birds accumulate over time.
The team — including lead researcher Yang Xu, a computational linguist from the University of Toronto and Mahesh Srinivasan, assistant professor of psychology at the University of California Berkeley, along with Berkeley student Christian Ramiro — identified an algorithm called «nearest - neighbor chaining» as the mechanism that best describes how word senses accumulate over time.
To figure out why, Stern examined layers of sediment accumulated over time.
These potentially toxic fragments accumulate over time and may in fact cause the neuron to degenerate and die.»
Ultimately, vents are either buried by fresh lava or by sediments, as a rain of particles accumulates over time.
Most people know that metals such as mercury, lead, arsenic, and cadmium have not been found to benefit the body and in fact can accumulate over time causing serious illness and even premature death.
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