Sentences with phrase «across gender»

More so, the love for t - shirt cuts across all gender of life.
But if greater income equality was achieved across gender lines, this could help decrease poverty through the generations.
There is the desire, felt by people across the gender spectrum, to figure out where they fit, and to find a supportive crew wherever that fit may be.
Sex consists of a diverse set of practices that vary across gender and age, and the way that people experience sex is constantly changing.
Interestingly, the optimism felt by these respondents remained consistent across gender, age and asset level.
They are common across every gender and whatever sexual agenda you are coming from.
We wanted to learn how these lawyers found, formed, and sustained meaningful mentoring relationships across gender and race.
Diversity not just across gender but across cultures similarly improves a company's performance.
Learning to accept «who I am» is very deep for all the gender identity issues across the gender continuum.
But recent research has proved otherwise: There is a vast divergence in brain function across the gender divide.
Students who responded to the survey were evenly distributed across gender and on average 15 years old.
Another interesting finding that the survey turned up was the difference in desire for having a baby across the gender divide.
What does the data from your high school suggest about the success rates of students across gender, socioeconomic, and ethnic groups?
We got a pretty fair demographic representation of our great nation, with a wide mix of respondents across gender, age, income, and location.
In researching the book, I searched out many men who are trying to reach across the gender divide — the good guys, the majority who are not sexual predators.
Granted, binary options cuts across gender, racial, geographical and religious boundaries.
These organizations developed programs to help improve collaboration skills within and across gender lines.
The main purposes of the present study were to evaluate the measurement model of the SLSS and to test the measurement invariance across gender in a sample of American early adolescents.
The effects of callous - unemotional traits and narcissistic personality on delinquency of adolescents on probation across gender Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology [Internet].
My original intention this month was to write about some of the common challenges people have when writing across gender lines — that is, male writers writing female characters and female writers writing male characters.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the following: 1) the construct validity of the Meaning in Life Questionnaire (Steger et al., 2006), Greek Version using different explorative and confirmative factorial analysis approaches like Bifactor EFA, ICM - CFA, Bifactor CFA and ESEM; 2) the measurement invariance of MLQ across gender; 3) the internal consistency reliability of the MLQ; and 4) the convergent and discriminant validity of the MLQ with measures of well - being and mental distress.
We also investigated whether the associations in our model were equal across genders.
Thematically centered on the masculine, The Hearts of Men will appeal across genders.
Sensitivity was comparable across gender, tumor grade, tumor location and risk factors for developing UTUC (Table 2), indicating that the assay was suitable for evaluation of diverse patient populations.
The «Teenage Apprenticeships: Converting awareness to recruitment» report states that more needs to be done to ensure equal guidance for both academic and vocational pathways and challenge views about the suitability of different apprenticeships across genders.
In a kind of parody of tolerance, the Reagan - era culture wars attacked artists across gender and racial lines.
Homogeneity of Severe Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Profiles in Children and Adolescents Across Gender, Age, and Traumatic Experiences Related to 9/11.
To address the research gaps noted above, the present study aimed to a) test the one - factor measurement model of the SLSS - English version in both male and female adolescents, and then b) examine measurement invariance of the one - factor model across gender groups, to determine if the one - factor model was confirmed in both gender groups.
Although more males than females followed the LCP trajectory, findings support similarities across gender with respect to developmental trajectories of antisocial behavior and their associated childhood origins and adult consequences.
Second, unions helped win equal pay for women as evidenced by the efforts of the Interborough Association of Women Teachers, a teacher's union, which started a campaign in 1906 advocating for equal pay across genders, ultimately getting it passed in 1912.
In these cases, the finger of blame should not be pointed squarely at committees, but at successive Governments for declining to pursue policies which will create a more equal distribution across the genders of senior Government positions.
This is supported by a 2017 survey from Deloitte, which found that 76 % of millennials surveyed thought business should and does have a positive impact on society and that this was also the majority point of view across gender, age, parental status, business sector, and size of employer.
Toms, Sperry, and Birkenstock also produce footwear that has gained popularly across genders.
I saw inconsistencies in how aggressiveness and strong opinions were rewarded across genders.
An earlier version of the column included a paragraph on some of the company's acts of good corporate behavior, including Starbucks» recent announcement that it had achieved 100 percent pay equity across gender and race for all of its U.S. employees and its goal of opening more stores in under - served neighborhoods.
Plus that might encourage more interacting across genders.
Isn't there a greater appreciation for womens sports across genders, but especially among women / girls and even more so among the LGBTQ population?
But I think it's very important that schools encourage across gender lines all kinds of children to be leaders and give them opportunities to showcase their talents, whether in a single - gender school or a co-ed school.
This baby carrier is a classic and timeless gift for infants across genders and is extremely useful for the new parents.
The level of support for giving married couples a tax advantage over unmarried couples are juxtaposed across the genders - more than half of men agree, with fewer than 40 per cent opposed, and vice-versa for women.
Paradoxically, nationalism — be it civic, ethnic, or a combination of these two — can be extremely unifying across gender, class, or even political lines, while at the same time identifying the fault line along the idea of national unity.
The researchers utilized NLP techniques to analyze and isolate the stereotypes people used to categorize people across gender, age, education level, and political orientation.
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