Sentences with phrase «after truth»

However, for one individual character it is also about continuing to seek after the truth.
Religious believers are not after the truth or they'd ask the tough questions.
I thought atheists were after truth whatever it is and wherever it takes you?
While some singles can say the right thing at the best, some of singles get the right ideas long after the truth.
They still carry a torch for each other, but will their love survive after the truth is revealed about their past?
But attempts to enforce Christian conscience have the reverse effect, dispelling seekers after truth in aversion and fear.
Criminal Law: Pre-Sentence Credit; Retrospectivity R. v. Clarke (O.N.C.A., Jan. 11, 2013)(35487) Being charged after the Truth in Sentencing Act came into effect means the Act applies.
VICTORIA — The Christy Clark government still has no plan to reduce the number of Aboriginal children in care in B.C. a year after the Truth and Reconciliation Commission called on all provincial governments to take action.
Not being personally acquainted with Ms. Swank, I can't verify the before - and - after truth of this claim, but I can say that this endearingly earnest tone is entirely shared by Tony Goldwyn's film «Conviction» (** 1/2).
Reason is applied after the truth is intuited so that it can be substantiated and successfully communicated to others.
Reconciliation is possible only after truth is said, after things are named with their proper names.
I gradually began to see that Christianity is not about solitary seekers after truth who just get together once in a while for a chat: other people are very much part of the divine scheme of things — even scripture has come down to us through the agency of other people.
No intelligent seeker after truth imagines that he is the only one on the right track, and the time has gone by when complete ignorance of another man's point of view could be considered a virtue.
Gandhi once defined the Hindu creed as the «search after truth through non-violent means.»
I say that to mean David that I see your enormous potential as a spirit after truth and in sharing my «view» whether right or wrong, it was nowhere near meant to out diwn, rather a reminder that «hey, i see you, and this is what I feel»... that is all.
You are an open - minded, tolerant inquirer after truth.
It is as though all our individual strivings after truth soared upward into a mental «cupola» whose closed walls inexorably compel our minds to mingle!
In religion and science there is a constant conflict between the devotees of pure endeavor after truth and the seekers after immediate, tangible results.
He opened his well - worn Bible, and until his strength was gone, simply, sweetly, and earnestly he opened up truth after truth as he turned from one passage to another, in a way that Ironside had never seen before.
And Arsenal being Arsenal made sure that these handshake photos got out today (to show that's alls well) after the truth got leaked out by anonymous player, after the Liverpool game.
Now if it's going to be a debate as opposed to a discussion, where people are earnestly inquiring after the truth, then maybe you shy away from that because the deck is stacked against you.
After the Truth Test, Dan and I got some food and watched the Knicks game.
The first ending is actually pretty decent, with the two men fighting in the middle of nowhere after the truth about Seraphim Falls has come to light.
''... we have an interesting plot dynamic here in that O'Keefe is clearly modeled after truth - stretching talk show conspiracy theorists, but he's not wrong this time.»
If there's one thing we know about Keanu Reeves» characters here — and there might be only one thing — it's that they're earnest searchers after the truth.
10 years later after the truth was revealed the participants revisit their creation.
A repeat viewing feels necessary to watch the film with fresh eyes after the truth is revealed, and if mandatory repeat watching isn't the mark of a good film, I don't know what is.
Hedge funds might say (after the truth serum was administered): «We eat lots of our own cooking when we succeed, much less when we don't.»
The seeker after truth [his splendid definition of the scientist] does not place his faith in any mere consensus, however venerable or widespread.
Denial often continues even after the truth comes out.
And so «we must learn to live after truth,» as a group of European academics wrote in After Truth: A Postmodern Manifesto.
We are seekers after truth.
We see the freedom of the Spirit moving in ways we can not predict, we see the nurturing power of the Spirit bringing order out of chaos and renewing the face of the earth, and the «energies» of the Spirit working within and inspiring human beings in their universal longing for and seeking after truth, peace and justice.
«I am a humble seeker after truth and bent on finding it.
No one will seek after the truth.
Hence, a fundamental religious virtue is humility, born of the persuasion that no man and no human institution can rightly claim the authority of God himself, but that all are under an authority toward which each may at best help to direct his fellow seekers after truth.
Where they are right, they are fellow pilgrim seekers after truth.
Of this period in his life, Sundar Singh, in a play on words, said, «I was not a Sikh, but a seeker after Truth
They will stand only as equal seekers after truth, vulnerable and afraid, with ancient triumphalism a pale historic memory.
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