Sentences with phrase «against atherosclerosis»

A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition suggests that diets high in rice protein can help protect against atherosclerosis by increasing blood levels of nitric oxide.
While low HDL levels can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, particular in obese or insulin resistant individuals, improved HDL cholesterol levels protect against atherosclerosis by removing excess cholesterol from arterial cells.
The anti-inflammatory properties of cruciferous vegetables — together with their unusual concentration of folic acid — combine to make this food group protective against atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke.
Did you know that collagen even fights against atherosclerosis by keeping your arteries free from plaque?
Harvard University researchers are considering a vaccine against atherosclerosis, which may provoke a reaction that suppresses inflammation.
A powerhouse for heart health, grapefruit contains vitamin C, folic acid, and potassium, along with pectin, a soluble fiber that may be a strong ally against atherosclerosis.
Unlike other juices, the sugars in pomegranate juice are attached to powerful antioxidants and seem to function as a protector against atherosclerosis.
The study showed that the protective effects of resveratrol against atherosclerosis was related to changes in the gut microbiome.
In many studies, eating whole grains, such as whole wheat, has been linked to protection against atherosclerosis, ischemic stroke, diabetes, insulin resistance, obesity, and premature death.
The team next wanted to know whether HDL, which removes excess cholesterol from cells, might protect against atherosclerosis by preventing the loss of regulatory T cells.
In rats with a genetic defect in the LDL receptor gene — their ability to clear LDL from the blood is severely hampered — there's some evidence that oat bran is protective against atherosclerosis.
That boosts prostacyclin and protects against atherosclerosis, says FitzGerald.
Because regulatory T cells reduce inflammation in lab animals, cardiologist Ziad Mallat at the French National Institute of Health in Paris and his colleagues theorized that regulatory T cells are trying to protect against atherosclerosis.
The average banana contains 467 milligrams of potassium and only 1 milligram of sodium, which can protect against atherosclerosis.
Studies (1) show that a diet rich in potassium helps you prevent high blood pressure and protects against atherosclerosis (heart disease).
B12 lowers homocysteine and protects against atherosclerosis.
In many studies, eating whole grains, such as brown rice, has been linked to protection against atherosclerosis, ischemic stroke, diabetes, insulin resistance, obesity, and premature death.
In many studies, eating whole grains, such as buckwheat, has been linked to protection against atherosclerosis, ischemic stroke, diabetes, insulin resistance, obesity, and premature death.
A one cup serving of pinto beans provides 746 mg of potassium and only 1.7 mg of sodium, making these beans an especially good choice to prevent high blood pressure and protect against atherosclerosis.
Stimulates the release of nitric oxide (NO), a signaling molecule that relaxes the arteries, increases blood flow and lowers blood pressure, and protects against atherosclerosis
In many studies, eating whole grains, such as rye, has been linked to protection against atherosclerosis, ischemic stroke, diabetes, insulin resistance, obesity, and premature death.
In many studies, eating whole grains, such as barley, has been linked to protection against atherosclerosis, ischemic stroke, diabetes, insulin resistance, obesity, and premature death.
The addition of Berberine relaxes the arteries, increases blood flow, lowers blood pressure and protects against atherosclerosis.
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