Sentences with phrase «to all levels of government»

These participants also stated that the overwhelming majority of Black lawyers who work in various levels of government in the legal departments are concentrated in entry level / junior positions, despite their expertise.
Examples could be found in other systems and at other levels of government.
Beyond the child care facility and the organization it belongs to, early childhood education quality is also overseen and regulated at various levels of government.
In contract, in most European countries, there is quite intense political coordination between elected official of the same party at different levels of government.
In response to comments received on last year's Report, we have included this year a breakdown of payments by levels of government and type of payment.
The key take away is that achieving political consensus on climate change will ultimately depend on advocates joining with experts in pursuing a broader portfolio of policy actions across levels of government.
That is, at which level of government does the buck stop?
In addition, economic activity will be constrained by lower levels of government spending than before and a weak banking system.
All three levels of government need to work toward a common vision, and municipalities in the region need to avoid competing against each other for foreign investment.
Chances for a major breakthrough improve as local, state, and federal levels of government each play increasingly responsible roles in mental health.
As a group they have best - in - class experience navigating senior levels of government, private finance, technology, and public advocacy for cannabis.
This veto continues to place a state mandated tax burden on local levels of government who can least afford to pay it.
Local levels of government are more accountable to parents and possess more knowledge about the needs of their particular communities.
The Central Asian nation has managed to achieve low levels of government debt, a better balance sheet and faces healthier growth prospects.
«People in the city feel like we've been dismissed in so many ways at so many levels of government,» she continued.
As the political scale moves from right to left, you have more extreme levels of government oversight and power.
The group is protesting alleged corruption at the top levels of government.
Or, do we invest more resources in alternative strategies and consider a broader range of policies, perhaps smaller in scope and across several levels of government.
There have been countless attempts in the last five years from multiple levels of governments to slow pricing in these markets.
Because of this, neither the federal nor provincial level of government has acknowledged constitutional responsibility for these groups.
Have your voice heard at the local, state and national levels of government on core tax and property issues.
This review will put at its center the «democracy question» — that is, what level of government is most open to democratic participation and most suited to protecting democratic rights.
This report provides less guidance on the broader issue of the ideal level of government regulation in private school choice programs.
That all levels of government, health organisations and education providers involve health students and early career health professionals in their discussions about health reform.
There was clearly alarm at the highest levels of government too.
With six levels of government interfering with free market activities in the housing industry the bureaucratic maze is intimidating to anyone without lawyers on retainer and corporate capital pools.
To help determine which law applies, ask yourself where the action took place and which level of government regulates that area.
Other states offer limited rights to domestic partners, with different legal privileges supported at the county and city levels of government.
This, the caucus asserted, showed an emphasis on building a party bench at the most basic levels of government.
Private lenders are not subject to the same level of government oversight.
The greater level of government control on commercial banks also decreases their levels of risk tolerance.
In addition he has worked for private sector clients and for national, state / provincial and municipal levels of government.
I need to know how court services are arranged, not just where their website is, so I can look for new pilot projects at the right level of government.
It will also be important to secure bipartisan support at the state and territory levels of governments.
In the past, the government has also committed to reducing the absolute level of government debt by $ 3 billion annually once the deficit is eliminated.
Major transfers to other levels of government advanced $ 2.8 billion (4.3 %).
I see record levels of government and corporate debt in all of the major economies around the world.
[55] In the event of a late budget, he would have shut down most levels of government except those related to public health and safety.
They also advocate that upper levels of government should be encouraged to provide some contingency to cover changes in advanced designs.
These agreements also provide a mechanism for coordinating the efforts of the three levels of government towards agreed goals.
Read why low levels of government interference and favorable tax conditions continue to attract global business.
The poll also included results from questions about how much different levels of government spend on education.
At other levels of government, educators can advocate for fair and affordable housing in suburban communities and for creation of regional magnet schools that enroll students from a variety of municipalities.
The inability of various level of government to recognize the need to embrace adaptation in the face of a changing climate is troubling.
Such strong resistance to local taxation suggests that any increases in school spending are likely to come, if at all, from higher levels of government.
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