Sentences with phrase «among philosophers»

I have suggested, however, that science is not as objective, nor religion as subjective, as the view dominant among philosophers of religion has held.
What simpler means in science is much discussed among philosophers — it is not at all a simple question.
But there is no agreement among philosophers when it comes to more complicated ideas.
The same pattern exists among philosophers who support animal rights today.
There the problematic is shaped a by a history of discussion mostly among philosophers.
A common climate of opinion and a common community of shared, mutual concerns among these philosophers was, in itself, sufficient to account for the similarities occasionally evidenced.
The first theme, the diverse functions of language, reflects a change in outlook among philosophers which was already under way in the 1950's.
In general, we may say, confidence in the purely rational character of philosophical conclusions declined in the face of the actual variety of belief among philosophers.
They need more women among the philosophers and writers.
One need not have followed the falsification debate among philosophers to have had doubts about the intellectual respectability of belief in God.
Gadamer stands out among philosophers for suggesting that the conversation partner with whom truth emerges is not necessarily another person.
It has generated much discussion among philosophers on the lack of «haecceitas» of elementary particles.
... The law of causality, I believe, like much that passes muster among philosophers, is a relic of a bygone age, surviving, like the monarchy, only because it is erroneously supposed to do no harm.
I then use Kant's moral theory to criticize the second view of divine power, the contemporary favorite among philosophers and theologians.
Now he reviews a new book on ethics and writes,» [The author] agrees with what now seems to be a near - consensus among philosophers that «speciesism» - the view that we are entitled to take theinterests of animals less seriously than we take human interests, simply because humans are members of our species - is not a morally defensible position.»
Where there are apparent contradictions among philosophers, the goal must be to attain a wider vision within which the essential truth of each view can be displayed in its limited validity.9
The Bible is not without testimony even among the philosophers.
The first answer must be that there is a striking absence of discussion of the threat to human survival among philosophers and theologians heavily influenced by Kant.
Certainly among philosophers of this century Alfred North Whitehead has been a seminal thinker for one increasingly influential group in the theological world.
I am confident that in time these two advantages will reverse the contemporary fashion among some philosophers and some scientists of inclining toward materialism.
Among the philosophers whose works contain the seeds of this dichotomy is David Hume: «If we take in our hand any volume» of divinity or school metaphysics, for instance» let us ask, Does it contain any abstract reasoning concerning quantity or number?
One mark of our time is that a philosopher who wins a following among theologians is handicapped among philosophers.
Hartshorne has been a self - described rationalist in a time when «rationalism» has been a term of scorn among philosophers and theologians alike.
Take [Benjamin Libet's famous experiment in the 1980s], which created a tremendous uproar among philosophers and neuroscientists.
Lowe thinks that the tendency to downplay visual experience among philosophers and psychologists reflects a mistaken association of subjective experience with «a forbidden Cartesian paradigm of mind», which implies that consciousness of an experience is axiomatic.
By adopting natural selection, Darwin settled the several - thousand - year - old argument among philosophers over chance versus necessity.
Rare among philosophers, Arthur C. Danto loves art and says so — enough to take his time getting to artists.
A broad stream of opinion among philosophers of science holds that coherence of explanations or theories is a necessary or at least a «conducive» criterion for truth.
The received view among philosophers of science, whether they be of a regularity or necessity persuasion, is that a statement s is a law statement or nomological generalization if and only if it satisfies the following logically necessary specifications:
The proposition is also discussed among philosophers, theologians, creationists and intelligent design proponents Paul Davies
Eleven years later, this argument continues to trigger fierce debate among philosophers, psychologists, and neuroscientists.
[2] Despite this influence and importance, until recently Greenberg has been little discussed among philosophers of art.
The proposition is also discussed among philosophers, theologians, creationists and intelligent design proponents.
Among philosophers, beginning with Heraclites of Ephesus (550 - 480 B.C.E.), right through Hegel and Nietzsche in our era, logos has meant «the essential abiding law of the world, thought and custom.»
In explicating his own notion of «dynamism» Sullivan notes that, «Whitehead, among the philosophers, has conceived the universe as an organism, and certainly there is no difficulty in seeing living organisms as particular dynamisms.»
Among philosophers, your very valid question is known as «Pascal's Wager,» because it was first posited by Blaise Pascal, a mathematician and philosopher in the 17th century.
Among philosophers of science the «idealists» emphasize the role of man's mind and the structure of ideas, while the «realists» emphasize the objective structure of the physical world.
Among philosophers of this century Alfred North Whitehead has been a seminal thinker for an increasingly influential concept in the theological world.
There is always a debate among philosophers and humanitarians whether mankind is basically good or basically evil.
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