Sentences with phrase «analytical capacity»

The introduction of a new cohort is a key component in allowing the study to maintain and enhance this substantive and analytical capacity as it moves forward.
While the new lab, in the city of Araras, will only represent a 10 percent increase in analytical capacity over the existing Sao Paulo lab that it will replace, executives said it would likely expand.
And that's a shame, because it's hard to envision Canada competing in a global energy economy that is ever - more reliant on big data if our energy data and analytical capacity remain inconsistent, scattered, and small.
Even the USEPA, with its substantial analytical capacity and its wide network of deep expertise, often copies IPCC material.
The analytical capacities and expanding technical expertise of modern intellectuals do not help us answer the pressing questions of how we should live and what we should live for.
Use critical reasoning, analytical capacity and the correct technical language and formulate logical.
Use critical reasoning, analytical capacity and the correct technical language and formulate logical arguments.
Both firms claimed to have the analytical capacity to determine objectively the funding schools need to perform adequately.
The «Market Scanner Guide» is a thorough explanation of how to get started taking advantage of its analytical capacity.
Universities have a unique and vital role to play in building this analytical capacity toward a 2C pathway, but this will require new collaborative models across multiple stakeholder groups and all levels of government
This casebook delivers a thorough and methodical account of legal ethics that will equip students with the insight and analytical capacity to apply their knowledge in a wide variety of practical and professional contexts.
Fear elicits the Fight, Flight or Freeze response and blocks your access to your creative and analytical capacities.
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