Sentences with phrase «around the clinic»

One proposal would see a «buffer zone» placed around the clinic meaning protesters wouldn't be allowed within a certain distance.
She started in the kennel position and has worked her way around the clinic and wears many hats.
A common saying around the clinic is that if you can fit it through the door we will treat it, and sometimes even if you can't!
She is the proud parent of two beautiful girls, three playful cats, and two small dogs that you may see wandering around the clinic.
We run all over the place and fly around the clinic.
A light would go on all around the clinic to indicate that a veterinary technician was needed ASAP in the indicated exam room.
Jaci enjoys photography and takes many of our pictures seen around the clinic.
(And Im referring to those who want the abortion) they fight for to make people stop carrying signs of aborted fetuses around clinics and anywehere else cause they find it offensive
«Ensure hand sanitizing stations, gloves, cleaners, trash bins, etc., are conveniently distributed around your clinic,» Boman said.
You can find the Thacker's sassy Boston Terrier zooming around the clinic, playing with her toys, or snoozing in the doctors office.
Instead of hiding in radiology, Roxie struts around the clinic like she owns it.
She has a nice voice when she sings around the clinic, and she knows the words to all the songs!
Dr. Heitmann is known around the clinic for his remarkable taste in music, creating fun playlists to listen to through the day.
Isabella, or «Izzy,» spends her days lounging around the clinic, showing off her beauty for clients, and stepping on computer keyboards while our staff is trying to work.
Dr. Fowler is also still a regular face around our clinic.
If you look closely, you may see her dog Pocahontas roaming around the clinic.
Dr. Abby Bowers has been around the clinic since she was born.
iVET360's recent Supervisor Skills Webinar is their first RACE - approved course, and it focuses on identifying, addressing and preventing passive - aggressive behavior around the clinic.
Travis is Dr. Flores's husband and serves as part - owner, maintenance man, groundskeeper, and occasional technician around the clinic.
The bill would create 50 - metre zones around clinics to keep away people who would harass patients and staff.
I have been reading through many of the postings at Ask a Manager, and I cam across an old post dealing with an interview time of 6:45 a.m. I am a physician in private practice, and when I need to hire a new employee I have always scheduled interviews around my clinic time.
So some of you may see them around your clinics during the summer.
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