Sentences with phrase «as a white man»

As a matter of fact, the idea of white women dating black men is as popular as white men dating black women.
It shouldn't be breaking news that, when given the same opportunities as white men, women and minorities can, and do, perform just as well.
Even when they make as much as white men, our analysis suggests women and minorities are still less likely to have a mortgage.
By and large they received a poor education and they were not allowed to use the same public facilities as a white man.
Did they not have the same rights by birth as white men?
The driver was described as a white man between 45 and 55 years old with brown and gray hair, blue eyes and wearing brown or black framed glasses with thick lenses.
It is really weird to see Jesus as a white man in Posters and Pictures.
Women in danger of ventricular fibrillation are about 40 % as likely as white men to get the devices, even though the device is equally effective for both sexes.
I have to ask the author of the Slate article, why does it bother non-white children so much to see Santa depicted as a white man?
Denny is affected by the pain she suffers even after all these years, so much so that he can't shake that experience, so he prays, talks about racism with a trusted black friend, acknowledges his own privilege as a white man, and finally accepts that as a follower of Jesus his calling is to seek Shalom, harmony and wholeness for MaDea.
Black men in the United States still have nearly twice the lifetime probability of dying from prostate cancer as white men.
Scientists were characterized as white men with glasses and white hair and white beards, wearing white lab coats.
So I set out on a second experiment to see if it was possible for Asian men to get the same level of response as the white men who approached every beautiful woman, not just the otaku variety.
If you're a black man in America, you're about twice as likely to die from a gunshot wound as a white man.
He is portrayed in the Bible and on pictures as a white man.
However, this does not make black men male chauvinists in the same way as white men.
The most important tradition, though, is to spend some time wondering exactly what my reaction as a white man would have been to Robinson breaking the color barrier in 1947.
Into these waters last month moved the Upper Skagit Indians, whose eye for steelhead (at 20 cents a pound wholesale) is every bit as sharp as the white man's but whose interest in conservation is a good deal duller.
Were the IDC to dissolve and rejoin the Democratic Conference, Klein, as a white man from the Bronx, could never become the sole majority leader.
He has a unique perspective, not only the mayor of the nation's largest city, but also as a white man married to a black woman, and the father of two black children.
more than a Caucasian man in order to get the SAME RESPONSE RATE as white men.
Daniel Day Lewis delivers one of his immersive characterizations as the white man Hawkeye adopted by Chingachgook (Russell Means), one of the last of the Mohican tribe.
Citing the intriguing life story of former New York Times book editor Anatole Broyard, an African - American who spent much of his adult life passing as a white man to achieve career success and broader opportunities, and research on gender stereotypes and math skills and race stereotypes and I.Q. tests, Steele offered three recommendations for making classrooms places where students feel a sense of belonging:
Either as a white man mouthing the words to the underground soul classic» Is it because I'm black» «hollow bones» (2001), or being taught how to make art by the deceased martial arts star Bruce Lee in «emotional content» (2003), as The White and Black Minstrel (2007), or seeking enlightenment in kung fu movies and anime as The Barefoot Lone Pilgrim (2004 - 08).
And now that idea comes back with this show, a major survey of Hammons's work, for which the artist, who has made art about the condition of African Americans in the U.S., has actually removed some of the more famous loans that appear in the catalogue (a portrait of Jesse Jackson as a white man is among the missing) and replaced them with various photographs from his collection.
A graduate of Cooper Union, he disavowed painting as a white man's medium and picked up the camera, being one of the first artists to spearhead photography as a legitimate art form and thereby making it his own.
And finally, what does it mean for a major cultural institution with a history of underrepresenting women artists and artists of color to be validating an aesthetic gesture that presents a black female as a white man's invention?
It's how do you get more people of color applying, and make sure that they have an even shake at the application process, and make sure that they're going to feel welcome once they're in your firm, and succeed and rise to the highest levels just as any white man can do?
Being involved in this project has made me more aware of my own privilege as a white man, and the huge disparity that exists in Australia, with too much money going into policing and prisons, rather than communities.
This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
But inequities between sub-populations in San Francisco were dramatic when expressed as rates, particularly for the African - American community where men have a 63 percent higher incidence and are more than twice as likely to die from prostate cancer as white men, the authors reported.
Avoid stereotypical images of STEM professionals that portray scientists, for example, as white men with thick glasses, pocket protectors, lab coats, and test tubes.
Why are some black or brown people so upset that Jesus is commonly referred to and depicted as a white man?
As white men are in the majority of positions in power in America, it is outright IMPOSSIBLE to be racist towards white people.
I once tweeted something like, «As a white man I'm not always sure how to respond to instances of police violence against black men.
Even Martin Luther King Jr. claimed that Jesus was white, after being asked why God created Jesus as a white man.
As a white man, now that I finally have the courage to say that Cam Newton is good, I also am free to unload a enormous amount of criticism about the way he presents himself in public as it relates to his race.
What the kneeling says to me, as a white man, is that there is still so much work to be done.
I think one of the hardest things, as a white man, is finding the appropriate way to have that conversation and «right» way to console and be constructive without coming off as disingenuous.
Johnson has said he recognizes the privilege he has as a white man but has noted he is a gay man who is HIV positive and grew up in public housing.
Johnson said he recognizes the privilege he has as a white man but pointed out he is a gay man who is HIV positive and grew up in public housing.
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