Sentences with phrase «as professional learning communities»

Schools that function as professional learning communities operate on the assumption that the fundamental purpose of schools is to ensure high levels of learning for all students.
In recent years, many forward - thinking school districts have embraced the idea of instructional rounds and created collaborative structures such as professional learning communities and data teams.
While schools that function as professional learning communities do not look exactly alike, they do exhibit certain common characteristics.
As professional learning communities become more widespread, educators have learned that they can't simply form grade - level or subject - area teams and call it a day.
Why is it important for district teams to function as professional learning communities?
A new tool, the Professional Learning Communities Assessment - Revised, enables administrators to rate their school as a professional learning community so they can identify areas that need support.
The district has operated as a Professional Learning Community at Work for 15 years, and sharing success stories with colleagues across the country has become a formalized process through hosted monthly site visits and a yearly mini-conference.
However, over the past two decades, there has been an increasingly loud call amongst educators, school leaders, and policy makers to break down the walls of classroom isolation in exchange for a more collaborative approach commonly known as professional learning communities (PLCs).
He is a coauthor of The Collaborative Administrator — Working Together as a Professional Learning Community as well as other publications.
During this time, she was a member of the Building Leadership Team as well as the Professional Learning Community lead for the math team.
Collective wisdom — referred to by such names as professional learning communities (PLCs), communities of practice, and networked improvement communities — allows each of us to benefit from the experience of many of us.
His expertise is in the areas of systems thinking; shared leadership; strategic planning; data collection, measurement, information, and analysis; customer service; and aligning school districts as professional learning communities.
Mr. Rivers said: «Every time we meet as a professional learning community (PLC), we talk about our vision.
In my world as an educator, collaborative cultures are defined as professional learning communities (now, I say this here because I want my readers who are not in the education business to understand the terminology and I so appreciate that you are reading along with us!).
Since 1998, we have published many books and videos with the same two goals in mind: (1) to persuade educators that the most promising strategy for meeting the challenge of helping all students learn at high levels is to develop their capacity to function as a professional learning community and (2) to offer specific strategies and structures to help them transform their own schools and districts into PLCs.
He has authored and co-authored numerous articles and books on effective teaching practices, school improvement and schools as professional learning communities.
Subsequently, during a decade of valuable and productive research and development work at the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (SEDL), I was privileged to study the improvement efforts of a school whose staff operated as a professional learning community.
Adlai E. Stevenson High School was one of the first in the nation to embrace what are known as professional learning communities.
In The collaborative administrator: Working together as a professional learning community (pp. 181 — 196).
«Collaboration can encompass a range of activities, from teachers working together in an informal, unplanned way to the implementation of more formal collaborative approaches, such as professional learning communities.
Equitable schools see themselves as professional learning communities.
Many schools are finding success when they begin to function as professional learning communities (PLCs).
As a professional learning community, we work to trust, inspire, and take action daily so every child learns.
When a school begins to function as a professional learning community, however, teachers become aware of the incongruity between their commitment to ensure learning for all students and their lack of a coordinated strategy to respond when some students do not learn.
The Institute for Excellence in Education (IEE) functions as a professional learning community (PLC).
Most 21st century organizations, including schools, have come to define collaboration to mean that we function as professional learning communities (PLCs)...
Most 21st century organizations, including schools, have come to define collaboration to mean that we function as professional learning communities (PLCs) or professional communities... learning.
In a school that functions as a professional learning community, the emphasis is on embedding the learning mission into the day - to - day work of the entire school.
Re-culturing schools to function as professional learning communities is a difficult, complex and incremental journey.
Our consultant has not only helped us develop math curriculum maps, she has assisted us in using data to drive instruction, build capacity and, consequently, strengthened us as professional learning community.
In a school where the staff operates as a professional learning community, the aspirations of the teachers, as well as the needs of the students and goals of the school, are realized.
Afterschool program staff participate in school meetings and committees, such as professional learning communities and school improvement teams.
The PLCF and Professional Community Questionnaire (PCQ) provide school leaders with a means of reviewing the strength of their schools as a professional learning community and measuring improvement over time.
School leaders use the ACER Professional Learning Community Questionnaire (PLCQ) in conjunction with the PLCF to gauge the strength of their schools as professional learning communities and to identify aspects that may need to be strengthened.
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