Sentences with phrase «average world temperature»

What is the optimal energy taxation in a context in which scientists tell us we're heading for a 3 - 4 degree Celsius rise in average world temperatures this century?
Where's the coverage that average world temperatures from this past year DECREASED 0.65 - 0.75 dec C since the year before?
For example, a rise of 2 degrees (3.6 F) in average world temperature over pre-industrial times would mean a reduction in Brazilian crop yields of up to 70 percent for soybean and up to 50 percent for wheat in 2050.
University of Queensland and Griffith University researchers have developed a «global energy tracker» which predicts average world temperatures could climb 1.5 C above pre-industrial levels by 2020.
On the programme, Lawson said «all the experts say there hasn't been» an increase in extreme weather events, and that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change «concedes» this, and that, according to official figures, «during this past 10 years -LSB-...] average world temperature has slightly declined,» the Guardian reported.
Since CO2 is far higher now, polar amplification should be higher, and permafrost should be subject to thawing at a lower average world temperature.
By the end of this century, the average world temperature is projected to climb by 1.4 to 5.8 °C.
If we continue on our current course, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that average world temperatures will rise between 2.5 °F and 10.4 °F between 1990 and 2100.
Current projections point to average world temperatures to rise between 1.1 C and 6.41 C between 1990 and 2100.
That would likely mean that also the official UN climate goal of limiting the average world temperature rise to no more than 2 degrees Celsius — a target linked to 450 ppm CO2 equivalent stabilisation scenarios (practically ambitious, theoretically weak)-- will eventually lead to many meters of global sea level rise.
«And as for the temperature itself, it is striking, [Gore] made his previous film 10 years ago and — according, again, to the official figures — during this past 10 years, if anything, mean global temperature, average world temperature, has slightly declined.»
The overwhelming majority of the world's scientists agree that any increase in average world temperatures that exceeds 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) above the pre-industrial era — some opt for a rise of no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius — will alter the global climate system drastically.
That would likely mean that also the official UN climate goal of limiting the average world temperature rise to no more than 2 degrees Celsius — a target linked to 450 ppm CO2 equivalent stabilisation scenarios (practically ambitious, theoretically weak)... Continue reading →
Since 2010 was as only as hot as 2005, the highest world average temperature in recent years, it would be true to say that average world temperatures have not increased during the past 5 years despite the minimal attempts by the major powers to deal with climate warming (or should I say climate change?).
U.N. studies project that average world temperatures are set to rise by 3 degrees (5.4 Fahrenheit) or more by 2100, based on current trends.
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