Sentences with phrase «to belief systems»

By your own definition we are all holders of an infinite number of belief systems for every conceivable or yet to be conceived unknown.
There is no wrong or right in belief systems there is only poor or healthy moral judgement.
I would also encourage them to learn more about different belief systems as I have done, but they wont be brought up with it like I was.
There are way too many people out there that have their own beliefs, but consider all other belief systems as false.
One problem I see is that some people blame an entire belief system for a few bad experiences in life.
It only gets complicated when we buy into belief systems about it, rather than our personal experience of it.
We are becoming increasingly aware of different belief systems within the varied cultures of our world.
On the other hand, if you are a psychotherapist, you may need guidance in supporting your client's religious belief system in therapy.
Too many people fall through the cracks and become alienated, or end up following belief systems based on power and status.
It is reinforcing my own belief system which helps and strengthens my trading.
We want our leaders to be real, even if we don't agree with personal belief systems.
They put no limits on what belief systems can do, what they can advocate.
Oh man, the sheer amount of effort that religious people put into trying to spin their entire belief system back onto others to save face is staggering!
How does that make you any better if you talk to someone of a different belief system like they're an idiot?
... Then if he kills himself, he will be demonstrating that he still holds to the exact same belief system.
If you look deeper and really seek to understand his core values, you will find a strong Christian belief system that is in line with yours.
Meetings or groups that insist on a particular belief system not only turn me off, I think they can hurt newcomers.
Automatic thinking is usually shaped by core belief systems and narratives about self, others and the world.
Type 3 experiences do not alter existing beliefs or nurture new belief systems because they are perceived as insignificant and within the normal pattern of things.
This is about changing belief systems: the way girls feel about themselves and their potential, and the way their educators do as well.
They take our words deeply to heart and to the point that our words form the outlines of the fundamental belief system around which our children come to think of themselves.
Allow them to grow in this environment and then allow them to choose if they want to adopt a religious belief system when they are mature enough to understand it.
My husband and I have exposed our kids to as many belief systems as we could over the years.
There are over 500 recognized religions and spiritual belief systems in the world.
The religion itself has no legal standing, no legal representation, and is only a delusional belief system without any credibility at all.
«Good people» who happen to be be Christian prove nothing about the origins of a man - made belief system.
Eventually I developed a strong belief system about the business of real estate.
Over the course of human history there have been thousands of such belief systems, with no beliefs they all share.
What's hard about it too is because the whole belief system of low - carb or whatever paleo is so foreign.
As per your own common belief system, you can discuss and create relationships to the dependable internet based forums.
Unfortunately, our minds run on old belief systems that are designed not to keep us happy, but to keep us safe.
We propose to link models of human belief systems concerning risk associated with climate change with models of the ecological and climate systems into a coupled earth system model.
«Sadly, it seems to be increasingly acceptable in certain belief systems to kill as many members of the other religious community as possible,» she said.
Are you trying to identify the best available scientific evidence, or are you trying to prove me wrong to maintain your existing belief system?
Your statement applies a specific belief system on all who do not fully except your opinion.
Her main aim is to enable a positive approach to the underlying belief system of clients which leads to a longer and happier life.
Like, for me, I strive to accept people of differing belief systems than me.
It's my commitment to you to hold the mirror, your hand, and politely dismiss the limiting belief systems holding you back.
Of course — irrational belief systems allow for anything, because there are no logical constraints.
And so it's this combination — your family's beliefs and your early experiences — that comprise your current belief system when it comes to relationships.
Before making a comment about anyone's belief system know the facts and be contextual.
We tend to be independent thinkers and drop - outs from various belief systems.
• I was able to overcome negative belief systems and programming about pregnancy and childbirth as well as create a positive expectation that our birthing would be a beautiful, peaceful experience.
Thankfully, online dating has given us the ability to find high - quality mates that have similar belief systems as we do.
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