Sentences with phrase «between believers»

I really am looking forward to settling in a place where (perhaps) I can find this kind of interesting intimate (authentic) dialogue between believers.
I'm thinking of problems between believers and former believers.
What I do try to do however is hopefully remove what I think are obstacles to communication between believers and atheists.
Many discussions between believers of different theological stripes also take place.
I guess you're talking about problems between believers.
It is also striking to note how similar the works of wisdom are to the characteristics of love as Paul lays them out in 1 Corinthians James are marked by practices that restore and deepen relationships between believers.
So said Albert Einstein, and his famous aphorism has been the source of endless debate between believers and non-believers wanting to claim the greatest scientist of the 20th century as their own.
There are still some on both sides who see world history in terms of a holy war between believers and unbelievers, in which struggle is a divine commandment and victory a divine promise.
It involves planned encounters between believers and non-believers of cultural distinction held in various cities, the first at the Unesco building in Paris and subsequent ones in Stockholm and Assisi.
By the time Paul writes 1 Corinthians, it appears that the tradition was firmly established that part of the meal of fellowship between believers included remembering the death of Jesus as symbolized by bread and wine.
Only a joint faith in the possibility of finding some common ground can bring about genuine conversation between believers and non-believers, or between and among representatives of various faith traditions.
This drive on the part of conservatives is especially inconsistent since they are well known for championing the view that Christianity involves the personal relation between the believer and Jesus Christ.
Former top officer of New Zealand's Federated Farmers, Frank Brenmuhl, writing in leading farming newspaper, says» Political expediency has ensured the scientific debate has been reduced to a battle between believers and deniers.
This distinction between believers and non-believers, between hope and hype, reminded me of my visit to Buffalo.
Cordial discourse between believers and non-believers would be welcome, but... unusual.
Religion is a private matter and should be focused between the believer and his / her faith.
a spiritual thread full of love, peace and understanding between believers and non-believers.
No wonder we don't see many miracles in the West, when the level of faith is such that we see little difference in behaviour between believers and non-believers.
If the religions allowed adaption to new learning, there would be much less tension between believers of the various religions and with atheists.
We have to draw the line at doctrinal agreement between believers; there's no other way.
I think the fairly small difference seen between believers and non-believers in these polls would become a chasm if you asked specifics about dogma, theology, etc, with non-believers clearly more knowledgeable.
In his instruction to the monks (covenanters), he reminds them that their life must be a life of unrelenting warfare between believers and the devil.
But other elements of the musical trend — its emphasis on the personal connection between the believer and God, its popular bent, its triumphant spread through the churches, and the very fact that many of the «frozen chosen» find the music divisive and beneath them — would probably strike the early Pentecostals as warmly reassuring.
There is no difference in the statistics between believers and non-believers in the realm of marriage, illness, wealth, happiness, or any other category.
It is reconciliation between believers and God, between the world and God, between the heavenly powers and God.
When we affirm a particular denominational confession of the faith, whether the Westminster Confession of Faith or the Sixteen Fundamental Truths of the Assemblies of God or any other set of propositions about God, we often make artificial barriers between believers and lose the blessing of diverse voices.
It is increasingly becoming difficult to tell between a believer and a non-believer.
Nevertheless, Jesus is not blurring the lines between believers and unbelievers.
The example is cited of the Courtyard of the Gentiles project of the Pontifical Council for Culture, in which searching encounters are organised between believers and non-believers.
This means there will be a distinct separation between believers and non-believers, so let's make it a positive one.
As harsh as it may sound the church has in fact assumed the role of Mediator between believers (and by that I mean believe whatever you want) and God.
The Eucharist is the traditional and authentic dramatization of identification between believers and the crucified Lord.
The enemy loves to use the views and words of atheists to attempt to drive a wedge between the believer and the Almighty.
I do think God will hold those teachers accountable for the rift between believers because they have either caused and / or are perpetuating the divide by demanding assent to these additional doctrines.
Faith, Belief, Spirituality, or any other «Higher Power» anyone chooses before or during recovery is an extremely personal choice of that individual and the relationship that develops between the believer and their «Higher Power» is also.
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