Sentences with phrase «biblical phrase»

The recurrent biblical phrase «these are the generations of...» emphasizes humankind's place and responsibility within the sequence of history.
Now that this capital is almost exhausted, one wonders, to borrow a favorite biblical phrase from the Puritan preachers, if the «day of trouble» may be close at hand.
I go by the old biblical phrase — «Whatsover you do for the least of by brothers you do unto me».
Dear John Blake, While you've written an interesting article, your attempt to highlight specific «Christian» words — especially rapture — only highlighted your own lack of knowledge regarding biblical phrases and words.
Yet a dispute over the most faithful and effective way to render the common biblical phrase «Son of God» is dividing missionary from missionary, scholar from scholar, in a time of evident mistrust between Western Christians and Muslims.It also underscores how few Christians in the West themselves understand this common biblical title for Jesus.
Was this author equally appalled about the prayer breakfast earlier this month, when President Obama tried to use biblical phrases like «for unto whom much is given, much shall be required» and «love thy neighbor as thyself» out of context as justification for his tax and economic policies?
In regard to the biblical phrase «for the land is mine» (Lev.
«Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely» is not a biblical phrase, but it arises from a biblical understanding of human sinfulness.
The biblical phrase, «in whom was no guile,» applied to her well.
What they can become, in the biblical phrase, is «one flesh», which occurs through the conjugal act carried out in all its human fullness, meaning and dignity.
Consult, for example, the Private Devotions of Lancelot Andrewes, who was one of the translators of the King James Version of the Bible, and note how the Biblical phrases permeate his prayers to give them great overtones of devotion.
In later times the biblical phrases yetser tobh and yelser ra» (the good will and the bad will) were much in use in discussions of man's contradictory instincts.
It is the experience of sharing and self - abandon in the merging of two persons, expressed by the biblical phrase «to become one flesh.»
For if the name re-presents its bearer, then (in the biblical phrase) to «call upon the name» of a god is in some sense to make him present.
Both speak of broad existential, psychological themes; neither focuses specifically on a religious or biblical phrase.
It is complemented by the biblical phrase «seek ye first the kingdom of God and all other things shall be added to you».
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