Sentences with phrase «biblical vision»

There are, however, at least two respects in which I suppose baseball could be said to speak to, and speak out of, an essentially biblical vision of reality.
A new biblical vision might directly affect the way we respond to world hunger.
They are functionally identical with biblical visions of joy and hope — the eschatological sense that language and faith may indeed convert and convict and lead men and women to that great imaginative vision of the New Testament: a new heaven and a new earth in place of a crowded and tired planet.
The Lutheran pietists were pleased with Luther's efforts to reform church teaching and subsequently wanted to see ministers and laypeople reform their actual lives toward a more biblical vision of piety.
To find a theology and / or spirituality of ecojustice, I would suggest that, in fact, our best foundation lies precisely in the Hebrew Bible — that same biblical vision which, anachronistically, the romantics have scapegoated as the problem and which the conservationists have interpreted too narrowly and unperceptively.
Paul's concept of reconciliation should be seen against the background of a broad biblical vision of God's reconciling and peace making mission.
She seeks to rebut the dispensationalists» views and offer a more deeply biblical vision of Jesus» eschatological kingdom.
What is the law but a necessarily finite effort on our part to find some earthly vision which at least partakes in a small way of that larger Biblical vision offered us by the Hebrew prophets Jeremiah, Isaiah, Amos, and by the one who followed them, Jesus Christ?
It is billed as an unprecedented national push showing a «unified evangelical voice echoing a biblical vision for immigration reform that respects the rule of law, reunites families and upholds human dignity.»
That biblical vision helped form the bedrock convictions of the American idea: that government stood under the judgment of divine and natural law; that government was limited in its reach into human affairs, especially the realm of conscience; that national greatness was measured by fidelity to the moral truths taught by revelation and inscribed in the world by a demanding yet merciful God; that only a virtuous people could be truly free.
There is a final way that the Church often fails gay people, and that is by watering down the biblical vision for sexual holiness and human fulfilment in a misguided attempt to be more welcoming.
In the light of the Biblical vision of the Garden of Justice, Shalom, and Harmony (Integrity) of Creation, these religious and cultural resources, particulary appropriated by the poor and oppressed, can be revitalized to be flowers, fruits and even roots of various elements in the Garden of God, in which humans are gardeners.
First, I find his thought more congenial to, and supportive of, the biblical vision than that of any other twentieth - century philosopher.
Religion News Service: Obama extols a biblical vision of equality for all in second inaugural A presidential inauguration is by tradition the grandest ritual of America's civil religion, but President Obama took the oath of office on Monday (Jan. 21) in a ceremony that was explicit in joining theology to the nation's destiny and setting out a biblical vision of equality that includes race, gender, class, and, most controversially, sexual orientation.
I also love Rabbi Jill Hammer's Sisters at Sinai: New Tales of Biblical Women; Rabbi Shefa Gold's Torah Journeys, which exemplifies her personal midrashic way of relating to Torah; and Alicia Ostriker's The Nakedness of the Fathers: Biblical Visions and Re-Visions.
The biblical vision of the Kingdom of God, however, lies at the center of the proclamation of the church of God.
The biblical vision of Shalom is very appropriate in this connection.
It requires discernment on the signs of times, and a renewed biblical reflection, taking the Biblical vision as the sources of our messianic imagination.
This was done through our efforts of discernment on the signs of times, and a renewed biblical reflection, taking the Biblical vision as the sources of our messianic imagination.
This outcome is the striking dimension of the biblical vision.
And even though I continued to search for a more traditionally orthodox basis for my political commitments, I drew much inspiration and solace from the witness of Christian people of more liberal theological convictions who modeled for me a courageous commitment to the biblical vision of justice and peace.
The biblical vision is far more «animistic» than they have been willing to concede.
Isaiah 24 offers one of the most eloquent statements of this biblical vision that is found particularly in the prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures.
The two are profoundly linked together in the biblical vision as parts of one covenant, so that, more and more, the disasters of nature become less a purely natural fact and increasingly become a social fact.
According to the biblical vision, nothing less than the inexhaustible futurity of God can be the appropriate destiny of the human spirit.
He is, of course, quite correct that the biblical vision of redemption is one of cosmic restoration, not merely one of individual salvation, or of the rescue of souls; it is an unfortunate fact of history that by the Christian High Middle Ages this had been forgotten by almost every significant Western Christian theologian.
Today, most theologians would deny that this withdrawal from the world is consonant with the biblical vision.
As we commend the biblical vision of marriage to our neighbors, we must not shy from aspects of it we have been loath to behold.
But not to do so, for ecological theology, is profoundly false to the Biblical vision.27
Biblical visions and images of the rule of Christ such as a heavenly city, the household of God, a new heaven and earth, a marriage feast, and an unending day culminate in the image of the kingdom.
Two articles that Professor Esolen wrote, which proposed that «diversity» (which the professor welcomed) be located within a biblical vision of the ultimate unity of all humanity in God: a vision that would, he suggested, deepen Providence College's Catholic identity and distinguish it from competitors.
See Rosemary Radford Ruether's incisive essay «The Biblical Vision of the Ecological Crisis» in Teaching and Preaching Stewardship, ed.
The apologetic preoccupation was with preserving the «truth» of revelation, so much so that the biblical vision of revelation as the generous self - disclosure of God's vision for creation and history was virtually forgotten.
In the biblical vision, openness to promise coincides with true human freedom.
I believe in the biblical vision of Revelation 7 where all tribes, nations and languages worship before the throne together.»
The loyalty to the Bible that marked early Protestantism found representation both in the older literalistic approach and in the new attempt to find creative ways to bring the Biblical vision of life to bear in American society.
However, it is also essential that we make a careful distinction between fulfillment and the biblical visions of the End Time when God will be «all in all.»
Even more egregious, big chunks of his exposition of the biblical vision of male - female complementarity come from Fr.
A theology of revelation consonant with the biblical vision now needs to address this failure and propose a suitable alternative.
They have substituted an other - worldly escapism for the biblical vision that sees promise even in the most impossible of historical situations.
Krish Kandiah explains how discovering a biblical vision of adoption changed his life forever More
But we're lying to ourselves if we think we can keep our freedoms without revering the biblical vision — the uniquely Jewish and Christian vision — of who and what man is.
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