Sentences with phrase «billions of light years»

Its unique design will allow scientists to gather radio signals from tens of billions of light years away.
Obviously if the speed of light was far greater in the past, light from objects which are billions of light years away could have reached earth in just a few thousand years!
However, because they occur in short bursts and originate in distant galaxies — sometimes even billions of light years from Earth — scientists have not been able to exactly pinpoint what causes them.
The radio waves in question come from quasars, which are supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies billions of light years away from Earth.
Within the massive scope of our known universe, hundreds of billions of light years wide, there's no galaxy, no life form, nothing that remotely cares about what I did or didn't do with my life.
These explosions are so bright they can be seen at distances of millions or even billions of light years from Earth.
Keck Observatory's MOSFIRE collects visible - light photons from objects billions of light years away whose wavelengths have been stretched or «redshifted» to the infrared by the expansion of the Universe.
It seems the particles that Enrico Fermi dubbed neutrinos, meaning «little neutral ones», might stretch across billions of light years.
Forming lines of energy billions of light years long, it is narrower than a proton, and so dense that a piece 1 metre long weighs as much as an entire continent.
This is a map of the cube of spacetime covered in the new survey, showing the distance to the galaxies in billions of light years.
To an alien life form living on another planet billions of light years from us the death of an 8 year old human, while tragic to us, might be linked by what Einstein called «s p o o k y action at a distance» to an alien birth making it one of their most joyous occasions.
Spectrographic evidence from light sources billions of light years away would seem to indicate that the persuasive power which maintains these regular patterns of predictability can not be avoided by autonomous activity in the occasions involved even over long periods of time.
We cant even see whats on the other side of the Moon, and we are led to believe about a black hole Billions of light years away based on a telescope?
It is remarkable that a disk of glowing gas about the size of our solar system can be seen billions of light years away, but the comparatively small size of quasars also means they appear star - like when viewed from Earth, just unresolved points of light in the night sky.
Windows into other dimensions could explain mysterious objects billions of light years across
Astronomers have been able to spot two «twinkling» stars in galaxies billions of light years away - much further away than we can usually see - because galaxies between us act as giant magnifying lenses.
These would be billions of light years long, thinner than a proton and spectacularly dense.
By studying the neutrinos that IceCube detects, scientists can learn about the nature of astrophysical phenomena occurring millions, or even billions of light years from Earth, Sullivan said.
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey and its Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey has transformed a two - dimensional image of the sky (left panel) into a three - dimensional map spanning distances of billions of light years, shown here from two perspectives (middle and right panels).
This array will, it is said, be able to detect the faintest energy emanating from distant stars — billions of light years from the earth.
The sensitivity of this camera, called Mosaic - 3, can detect objects billions of light years away.
Quantum entanglement suggests that distance must be an illusion, even millions or billions of light years of it.
He's getting the 13 billion year figure from the fact that we can see stars in the night sky (obviously not those that are billions of light years away...) Unless of course your going to argue against all accepted science that concludes light travels at a constant speed.
There are 200 + billion galaxies in the observable universe, and astronomers routinely study galaxies billions of light years away.
THOUGH telescopes routinely spot galaxies billions of light years away, they may be missing many in our own cosmic backyard.
It so happens that there is a galaxy roughly half way between Earth and the blazar, which is billions of light years away.
Dark matter hitting black holes could be the source of some fast radio bursts — mysterious blasts of radio waves that come from billions of light years away, first detected 10 years ago.
DARK matter hitting black holes could be the source of some fast radio bursts — mysterious blasts of radio waves that come from billions of light years away.
The black hole - black hole collisions originally detected by LIGO, in contrast, were billions of light years away.
n often - used argument for the universe being much older than proposed by young earth creationists (YEC) is the fact that we can see astronomical objects which are billions of light years away (a light year is the distance which light travels in one year, approximately 9.5 × 1012 kilometers).
When you look out to great distances, you see the universe as it was long ago because the light from those places takes such a long time to reach us over the billions of light years of intervening space.
In the image above there are around 5,500 visible galaxies, with some of them being billions of light years away and 13.2 billion years old — just 450 million years after the Big Bang and the creation of the universe.
With current observations suggesting that dark energy comprises more than 70 percent of the matter - energy density of the present - day universe, astronomers say that measuring the apparent shapes and the distribution of galaxies in the Universe will constrain the nature of dark energy and allow them to examine whether the general theory of relativity is still a valid description of gravitation on scales of billions of light years.
They're billions of light years away from the Milky Way and are the most energetic objects in the universe.
Because some galaxies are billions of light years away from us, we can discern that they formed fairly soon after the big bang (as you look deeper into space, you see further back in time).
The images of the Cartwheel Galaxies reveal many faint, more distant galaxies, which form a large superstructure and lie near the Sculptor Wall, an enormous structure of galaxy clusters that extends outwards for more than a billion of light years.
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