Sentences with phrase «binary variable»

To address this, we convert them into collections of binary variables.
Help scientists solve the mystery of epsilon Aurigae, a mysterious, bright, eclipsing binary variable star that has baffled scientists since 1821
Such algorithms map problems onto a model of binary variables on the nodes of a graph, and the solution is encoded on the configuration of the model with the lowest energy.
The MMANOVA required that suicide attempts, emergency department visits, and inpatient admissions be recoded into binary variables (none vs any) per assessment period; therefore, absolute frequency of these outcomes could not be statistically compared.49
The phi coefficient is similar in its interpretation to the Pearson correlation coefficient, but it is a measure of correlation between two binary variables [54].
Until now, almost all studies in the literature combine all types of programmes under a binary variable, i.e. the incidence of an IMF programme.
The binary variable Treati is equal to 1 if the student is in the treatment group that was randomly assigned to visit the museum for a school tour and is equal to 0 otherwise.
The binary variable Treati is equal to 1 if the student is in the treatment group that was randomly assigned to receive free tickets for a field trip to see live performances of A Christmas Carol or Hamlet, and is equal to 0 otherwise.
Ronning (2004) include a binary variable for Norwegian teachers born in the labor market in which they work
A binary variable indicating whether there was a severe weather event (a thunderstorm, tornado or hail) in the city that day.
Several analyses focused on missing data.36 To explore missing data patterns, we coded loss to follow - up as a binary variable and tested baseline variables as predictors using a stepwise logistic regression.
Social participation was coded as a binary variable (yes / no).
Using cut - off scores for the specific questionnaires, we consider psychopathology as a binary variable (yes / no psychotic disorder; yes / no psychological distress)
Phi Coefficient: A statistic used to measure the association between two binary variables.
Binary variables were created for all child outcome measures.
Based on ALSPAC codebook guidelines, a binary variable named «any frequent / definite conduct problems» was computed at the two assessment waves.
Because most adolescents reported no sexual risk behaviors in both waves and a very few reported multiple risks, sexual risk behavior was treated as a binary variable in the analyses (0, «no risks»; 1, «at least one risk»).
Gender, a factor that distinguished the members of the dyad, was a binary variable (female = 1, male = 0) and used to organize the repeated measures into the state space grids (x-axis = female, y - axis = male).
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