Sentences with phrase «black mangrove»

The phrase "black mangrove" refers to a type of tree that grows in coastal areas with its roots partially submerged in water. It is called "black" because its bark is dark-colored. Full definition
The river is closely lined with swamps of black mangrove, which are protected by law and provide stability for the banks as well as habitat for many species of animals and birds.
Black mangrove pneumatophores not only act as a «snorkel» for the roots to breath, they trap sediment and may remove chemicals from water running into the sea.
Patches of dwarf red mangrove (dwarf because of the lack of phosphate in the soil in certain areas), white and black mangrove line the channel.
Black mangrove leaves are long and narrow and covered with salt crystals underneath.
Opportunity to see red and black mangroves where you may find sea turtles and small white - tipped sharks.
Then they simulate an oil spill in their mangrove model to investigate how the black mangrove tree is affected by oil.
They build a model to understand how a black mangrove breathes in an anoxic environment.
On shore you will explore the lush fringing mangrove forests, seasonal lagoons and littoral forests of red, white and black mangroves; the unique ecosystem which bridges the land and the ocean.
On shore you will explore the lushforests of red, white and black mangroves; the unique ecosystem which bridges the land and the ocean.
Black mangrove is not as tolerant of ranges in salinity and prefers higher salt concentrations than found in the fresher waters sometimes tolerated by the red mangrove.
The black mangrove (Avicennia sp.), recognized by its many pneumatophores sticking up from the roots through the mud flats or supratidal to intertidal sands which generally surround it, usually forms «forests» along more sheltered areas of the shore.
The pneumatophores of the black mangrove which are always (at maturity) taller than the high tide level allow oxygen exchange under normal circumstances.
In fact, the area where the white and black mangroves are found is the saltiest mangrove environment.
The most common plants that you'll find in this area are the red, white and black mangrove.
22) Four different species of mangrove grow on Belize: the red mangrove, the white mangrove, the black mangrove and the buttonwood.
Family Combretaceae The white mangrove also lacks the prop roots of the red mangrove and sends up pneumatophores which are smaller diameter (often pencil diameter and less abundant than those of the black mangrove.
The white mangrove also excretes salt through glands on its leaves, although to a lesser extent than the black mangrove.
The leaves of the white mangrove are elliptical, usually pointed, and midway in size between those of the red and black mangrove.
The propagule of the black mangrove is shaped like a lima bean and is up to an inch long.
The flowers of the black mangrove produce abundant nectar that bees can convert into excellent honey.
The black mangrove has glands on its leaves that can excrete salt, and if it has not rained recently, small cubic salt crystals reflecting the sunlight can be seen on the leaves.
Black mangrove: locally «mangle negro»: Avicennia germinans (formerly A. nitida): Family Avicenniaceae The black or honey mangrove does not have prop roots like the red mangrove but sends a line of numerous vertical pneumatophores (they look like small flexible bare sticks) tip through the mud from its shallow root system.
The terrestrial part of the reserve comprises mangroves, described as buttonwood, white mangrove, black mangrove, and red mangrove with Thalassia and Syringodium seagrasses heavily covering silt / sand channels in the mangroves.
* Coconut tree - Cocos nucifera * Spider Lily - Hymenocallis littorallis * Seaside Purslane - Sesuvium portulacastrum Euphorbia sp. * Red mangrove - Rhizophora mangle * Morning Glory - Ipomoea sp. * Black mangrove - Avicennia germinans Tourists with local guides from Placencia Area (members of the Placencia Tour Guide Association) are carried in small boats (30 foot or less) with outboard motors, or slightly larger boats (40 foot or less) with inboard engines.
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