Sentences with phrase «body block»

She showed up the next morning prepared to do everything but throw body blocks in front of her competitors.
The shoulder blocks and side body blocks are gradually disappearing.
Above her hooks, her squat old body blocked out the sun.
Training Video: Teaching Stay with Body Blocks and Positive Reinforcement — Patricia McConnell
You can kind of see what I mean about Welker cross body blocking Talib here.
Add in a transiting planet, and that light curve will now include U-shaped dips that recur like clockwork each time the orbiting body blocks the star's light.
Despite its housekeeping chores, such as the time - consuming business of pointing itself at new targets, called slewing, and repointing itself every 45 minutes or so when Earth and other bodies block the field of view, the Hubble manages to do science nearly 50 percent of the time - making it one of the most efficient telescopes ever to operate.
Respect For Family including pets: Adult dogs shouldn't be allowed to jump on, mouth, mount, discipline, or body block family members.
Enter a body shaped tunnel and your own body blocks out the light to put you into pitch darkness as you flail around.
This allows the buyer to get the full impact of the room without your large body blocking the view.»
If you do that you either have to take no - hope shots from outside the box or whatever shot you decide to take in desperation with have a leg or body blocking it.
Aikman would throw a dart to a spot in thin air — and low and behold, there was Irvin coming in to body block his guy out and catch it — so many times.
A newly - discovered chemical found naturally in our body blocks hunger and weight gain.
Tension in the body blocks the natural energetic flow in the aura and limits your ability to receive information.
Using an aromatase inhibitor alongside Sustanon 250 will help the body block any potential side effects that the steroid will or can provide.
Wherever the pair walked, bodies blocked their path.
BOUNDARIES Chris uses subtle hand gestures to move Morgan into a body block that places her between him and the public.
Body block, interrupt, redirect.
Perhaps the easiest technique to use is the body block method.
For example, I use tons of food (positive reinforcement) to teach dogs a solid stay and respond to breaks in a stay with a Body Block.
A Body Block is an example of positive punishment (adding something to decrease the frequency of the behavior), but it is not confrontational or threatening if done correctly.»
If the dog gets up during any of the training, body block the dog (using your body walk into the dog to push them back) to the place, gently reset them how they should have been, and repeat the stay cue only.
Move to a different part of the park or body block - step between him and another dog's unwanted advances.
I do believe in using mostly positive reinforcement, with some negative reinforcement and non-abusive positive punishment (body blocks, verbal corrections) when training dogs.
Intimidation, body blocking, growling, the use of rattle bottles etc..
Step between your dog and an approaching dog, or turn directions so that your body blocks the other dog.
I had to body block them, poor Lucy was terrified!
You can «body block» the food, by keeping your shoulders square and your posture straight as you call your dog to you, not releasing them to eat yet.
If pup is fine, work your body blocking to teach your adult to stop when you say stop.
Signs of stress include hard stares, freezing, growling, lip licking, excessive yawning, panting, pacing, «hard» (taut) body language throughout, hackles up, tail up and straight or wagging but in a stiff motion, tail tucked under in fear, barking continuously, body blocking, and more.
You can easily cause an interruption on purpose by cupping your hand over either ear, but in general the «body blocking» that plagued early wireless buds isn't an problem.
You can't pee and ejaculate at the same time — your body blocks pee from coming out when you're close to ejaculating.
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