Sentences with phrase «breeding practices»

The phrase "breeding practices" refers to the methods and techniques used when selectively mating animals or plants in order to produce desirable traits or characteristics in their offspring. Full definition
As an industry, we must protect and promote responsible breeding practices in all animal categories.
Because of poor breeding practices by puppy mills, many dogs arrive at stores with illnesses that may not show for weeks or months after purchase.
It is the product of several years of research into the best breeding practices for the health and welfare of puppies.
This page is meant to pay forward breeding practices of puppy mills, and breeders that aren't quite up to the standards required to produce healthy Great Dane puppies.
The assembly government has unveiled proposals for new rules to tackle bad breeding practices in puppy farms.
This misconception is mostly due to lack of education on dog breeding practices across culture.
Through irresponsible breeding practices, congenital disorders or undesirable and sometimes even dangerous behaviors are passed on to the puppies.
Smaller dogs are particularly sensitive to genetic defects through unethical breeding practices.
This report identified that many dogs of different breeds experience compromised welfare due to the effects of selective breeding practices.
We'll never stop people from breeding dogs so continuing to educate the public about breeding practices is first and for most our goal in reducing the ever growing doggie population.
Consequently, such breeding practices can have detrimental consequences for that specific breed's population.
But if it makes us question why, in the name of seeking extremes, we accept purebred breeding practices that lead to ill health and short lives, that's fine, too.
Though these can not be eliminated completely, careful breeding practices help to minimize problems.
The breeder is exposed to other points of view, learns more about their breed, general dog care, modern breeding practices and is kept up to date.
They don't have a specific temperament that has been honed through strict breeding practices over a long period of time.
With informed breeding practices, breeders can immediately avoid producing dogs that are affected with specific diseases.
The cold hard truth is most breeders are clueless about proper breeding practices, and have no desire to learn about proper structure, movement, or temperament traits.
We strive to educate the public in responsible dogs ownership, proper health & nutrition, spay / neutering, training & good canine citizenship and discourage unwanted and careless breeding practices.
Conventional breeding practices are more difficult with hybrid rice, making it more difficult to breed for qualities like disease or pest resistance.
Membership may provide opportunities to develop cooperative and reciprocal breeding relationships and may help members in finding help and guidance to improved breeding practices.
We have very specific standards for assisted canine reproduction and only work with breeders exhibiting quality breeding practices.
However, what's probably the most concerning are the alleged breeding practices to obtain these top performing dogs.
But far more often it's the result of disturbing breeding practices.
Genetic testing is an excellent tool for determining and cultivating genetically healthy breeding practices, as well as a diagnostic tool for preventative wellness planning.
If you instead adopt from a rescue, you would be supporting the fight against immoral breeding practices and homeless animals all at once.
They have a highly developed hunting instinct honed by years of dedicated breeding practices, so training methods that recognize this instinct are likely to be more successful.
That variety in behavior is mostly man - made: Dog breeding practices developed to highlight certain behaviors or traits that humans found useful.
For effective breeding practices, estimated breeding values should be applied.
To further those goals, we have consistently worked to educate the public regarding responsible dog care and valid breeding practices.
Responsible breeding practices including genetic testing can help to reduce the instance of genetic conditions.
Poor breeding practices not only affect the overall health and well - being of the dog but they can also contribute to «puppy mill» breeding and pet store puppies.
Although there is no such thing as the perfect dog, genetically speaking, there is a way to use the knowledge gained from testing for better breeding practices.
We practice ethical breeding practices and stand behind our puppies for the life of the dog.
First, I want to clear one point: breeding away from the standard does not mean having bad breeding practices.
Not all owners understand the nature of these strong dogs, so sometimes they encourage irresponsible breeding practices and inappropriate training.
Be wary of puppy mills and backyard breeders who often use unethical breeding practices and, in some cases, put profit over animal well - being.
Action to address the welfare concerns associated with selective breeding practices.
The large gene pool available in establishing this breed and careful, informed breeding practices have helped insure this.
Although Mini Bulls remain fairly rare in this country — fewer than 200 litters are registered with the AKC each year — MBTCA remains committed to its mission of promoting high standards in breeding practices so that more dog fanciers can fall in love with our mischievous, mighty Minis.
This ranges from breeding practices (apparently he's really into genetics) to how they decrease milk supply when drying cows off to giving the cows regular foot care that he describes as «pedicures».
Sadly, other than variety, an extra thing dogs in the non-sporting group seem to have in common is a predisposition to congenital problems often triggered by unscrupulous breeding practices.
More people committing to responsible pet ownership, and taking such actions as spaying and neutering their pets to prevent unwanted litters and always choosing to adopt rather than shop to take away the profit incentive of those who engage in illicit and inhumane breeding practices.
Stein says the information embedded in the newly available genomes will accelerate the development of improved rice strains through traditional breeding practices as well as with the aid of new genetic technologies.
The proposal is aimed at not only discouraging abusive breeding practices, but also promoting the adoption of shelter animals.
Good breeding practices does not provide a warranty on the health of your Aussiedoodle.
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