Sentences with phrase «by pluralism»

It seems to lead to minimizing the importance of the issues raised for theological schooling by pluralism.
In a faculty characterized by both pluralism of viewpoints and mutual tolerance and respect, such common explorations can be rewarding.
Still, there are some beliefs and values that are quite generally shared and that persist for at least a while (say, a few lifetimes), even in a situation marked by pluralism and greatly accelerated cultural change.
Arguably, the religious component of the tensions generated by pluralism is more consequential in Europe than in North America.
They were not intimidated by the pluralism of the Roman culture, nor were they taken aback by the many gods that were worshiped in the Empire.
The modern experience of being shocked by the pluralism of the global village is the usual explanation for interest in world religions, and the search for a place for them in Christian interpretation.
Alisdair Maclntyre's justly acclaimed After Virtue: A Study in Moral Theory reclaims ethics from the anything goes» morality too often legitimated by pluralism and relativism.
What Is Meant by Pluralism My ninth proposition is this: Pluralism is written into the script of history.
He believed that the American church would thrive when freed from the threat of persecution and enlivened by that spirit of voluntarism made necessary by pluralism.
The church began to display a bold new understanding of one of the freedoms offered by pluralism.
Return for a moment to modernity — that great sea - change of human consciousness of the past several centuries (characterized by pluralism and uncertainty) that is leading us to a new Axial period.
In North America, and increasingly in Europe, it has become a truism to say that the present situation is marked by pluralism, or multiculturalism.
«Mr. Speaker, I noted that the Canada Job Grant was in fact very well received by those in the marketplace,» Mr. Harper enthused, «by people who want to upgrade their skills, want to receive more training, want to gain jobs and, by pluralism, want to create jobs.»
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