Sentences with phrase «calibration data»

"Calibration data" refers to information or values that are used to adjust or align a measuring instrument or system to ensure accurate and reliable results. It helps in comparing the actual measurements taken by the instrument with the known standards, allowing for precise and consistent readings. Full definition
Then leaving it on an FTP site and having a guy download it and say — look guys, we put in calibration data: and HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of HOCKEY STICKS pop out!
Yet Schaefer's claim held up when astronomers Benjamin T. Montet and Joshua D. Simon checked it with the original, lesser known Kepler calibration data.
We even have plans to take some final calibration data with the last bit of fuel, if the opportunity presents itself,» read a statement from Charlie Sobeck, system engineer for the Kepler space telescope mission.
The data for the more than 1000 calibration sources stored in the ALMA Data Archive are publicly available, and ALMA continues to take calibration data as part of normal observations.
This research revaluates the importance of the ALMA calibration data.
He reported no attempt to correlate his rejected floats with any other calibration data.
One is the variance of the errors in the regression equation, which is estimated from calibration data, and may be modified in the light of differences between the calibration errors and the validation errors.
This scenario does not naturally explain the irregular dips or the detailed shape of the dimming seen by Montet and Simon in the Kepler calibration data, but future studies could solve these problems.
The team used that calibration data to detect the signature of vinyl cyanide at specific wavelengths of light and calculate its abundance.
To find more absorption systems, a research team including Ryo Ando (a graduate student at the University of Tokyo), Kotaro Kohno (a professor at the University of Tokyo), and Hiroshi Nagai (a project associate professor at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) collected the calibration data from the ALMA Data Archive.
Usually the calibration data are considered supplementary, but this research shows that the calibration data themselves may contain significant scientific discoveries.
Or the calibration is good (fits well to the observations) over one season but poor over another, or it does well over a set of years in the calibration data but not all of them, etc. etc., so which do you then use?
2) Determine from the calibration data (the band with data on its shape) the probabilities of each C14 age given the precise calendar age.
Does anyone understand this culling process that uses «calibration data» and «verification skill» which happens to remove all negative trend data, but only half of the positive trend data?
-- Provenance and availability of each calibration data set; adequacy of document archives.
This second term is usually small for a date when the proxies are well within the range represented by the calibration data, but may become large when the equation is used to extrapolate to proxy values outside that range.
The RE statistic compares the MSE of the reconstruction to the MSE of a reconstruction that is constant in time with a value equivalent to the sample mean for the calibration data.
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