Sentences with phrase «change in vision»

This causes changes in vision and may actually lead to blindness in the absence of adequate treatment.
The observed change in vision was small, but significant.
For these dogs, small changes in vision can result in significantly reduced performance.
Is it because of an overall change in vision in how the company will run?
We are tapping into the brain's innate ability to adapt (also known as neuroplasticity), and because substantial changes in vision are possible even into adulthood, this could yield real results.
«Health professionals are able to address many changes in our vision and hearing as we age using corrective lenses and hearing aids, for example.
«And some studies suggest that migraines with visual auras, when people see spots or various other kinds of changes in their vision associated with their headaches, put a person at a higher stroke risk.
The Amsler grid, which looks like a piece of graph paper with a small dot in the center, can help detect early signs of retinal disease and monitor changes in vision after diagnosis.
You should also call your eye doctor if you have any sudden changes in your vision, such as blurriness or spots in your field of vision where you can not see.
«RIMM needs fundamental change in vision and strategy, and its transition to QNX must be near flawless to garner support from developers.»
Assessing changes in vision, hearing or the ability to smell can be challenging even for dedicated cat parents, which is why it's important to note even subtle changes.
«And you'll learn how you can manage and accommodate common age - related changes in vision, hearing and reaction time.»
The work conducted on this project has achieved significant ongoing change in Vision Australia's services.
Pivot, a term coined by The Lean Startup author Eric Ries that means «a change in strategy without a change in vision,» is the answer to building a successful mobile app.
author Eric Ries that means «a change in strategy without a change in vision,» is the answer to building a successful mobile app.
Eric defines a pivot as, «a change in strategy without a change in vision
Have certain kinds of severe migraine headaches with aura, numbness, weakness, or changes in vision, or have any migraine headaches if you are over age 35
But we must be clear that this change in our vision goes far beyond any purely intellectual and abstract merging of two complementary pictures, one rational, the other religious, of «the end of the world».
It's also possible Thursday's Pierre - Paul deal signifies a change in vision for the Giants.
Or could it be something completely unrelated, like a change in vision that's affecting his ability to see the board clearly?
Signs and symptoms of preeclampsia include having protein in the urine, changes in vision, and severe headaches.
Swelling, sudden weight gain, headaches and changes in vision are important symptoms; however, some women with rapidly advancing disease report few symptoms.
If you start having regular contractions or other signs of labor before 37 weeks, or if you have severe headaches, changes in your vision, unusual swelling, or intense pain or tenderness in your upper abdomen, don't hesitate to pick up the phone if you want to talk with your caregiver.
Common side effects associated with Xanax include insomnia, swelling of extremities, nausea, sweating, changes in appetite, loss of libido, changes in vision and headache.
We can track the change in their vision from month to month.
«It's his opportunity to lay out his vision or his change in vision.
But new research suggests that assumption is false — a finding that has implications for both wound healing in the eye and for changes in vision like cataracts.
It's now been two years since the monkeys first experienced the full color spectrum, and there have been no further changes in their vision and no noticeable side effects.
Dr. Liebeskind adds a few more signs to consider, such as loss of language, changes in vision, strength or sensation.
He went on to explain that being a lactating mother could very well explain the change in my vision.
Treating eye issues properly can help you avoid complications, says Stephanie J. Marioneaux, MD, spokesperson for the American Academy of Ophthalmology with a clinical practice in Chesapeake, Va. «Especially if you have pain, a change in vision, discharge, light sensitivity or any symptoms that persist, it could be a sign of a serious problem, and you should see an ophthalmologist,» she says.
It's usually accompanied by other symptoms, like a tremor or changes in vision or speech.
There's also sensory symptoms, such as ear ringing, hot and cold flushes, changes in vision, tingling, numbness, muscle cramps.
Other symptoms of anxiety include excessive sweating, muscle tension, rapid heart rate, changes in vision, hot and cold flushes and can be associated with suicidal ideation, self - harm and substance abuse disorders, when anxiety becomes severe.
If you experience eye pain, changes in vision, continued redness or irritation of the eye, or if the condition worsens or persists for more than 72 hours, discontinue use and see a doctor.
Signs of CRF can be subtle at first, and include increased thirst and urination, vomiting or other signs of nausea, lethargy or depression, poor hair coat, loss of appetite, lingering over the water bowl, eating cat litter, constipation, a strong ammonia - like odor to the breath, and changes in vision and hearing.
Canine conjunctivitis does not cause a change in vision.
Changes in vision and the eyes that may include discoloring lenses and haziness.
There are many issues that may need to be addressed as our pets age, including mobility, pain, changes in vision and hearing, cognition or senility, dental care, incontinence, cancer, and changes in appetite and nutritional needs.
Feline conjunctivitis does not cause a change in vision.
Some signs that may indicate a problem include increased water consumption, poor gum / tongue color (these tissues should be a healthy pink), changes in behavior or sleeping habits, changes in vision or hearing, coughing, and skin problems.
Watch for increased thirst and urination, vomiting or other signs of nausea, lethargy or depression, poor hair coat, loss of appetite, lingering over the water bowl, eating cat litter, constipation, a strong ammonia - like odor to the breath, and changes in vision and hearing.
If the increase in cloudiness is associated with redness, discharge, squinting or a change in vision, a veterinarian should evaluate him as soon as possible.
Changes in vision and hearing, painful joints, heart, liver or kidney disease can all lead to marked behavioral changes in your older dog.
Stop use and consult a veterinarian if your pet experiences eye pain, changes in vision, continued redness or irritation of the eye.
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