Sentences with phrase «child of someone»

The earlier concern for children of divorce and for the spouse who wanted to keep the marriage together was seen as misplaced.
Divorce may lead to negative relationship effects for children of divorced parents.
But it is impossible similarly to explain away the poorer educational and employment performance of children of single - parent families.
This stroller is great for parents with children of different weights and who enjoy camping, hiking, and running.
Should this be the model for education for children of color in big cities?
There's also no evidence to show that these medicines are effective in children of any age.
Speakers, many of whom identified themselves as children of immigrants, detailed their personal narratives.
I didn't think much of Child of Light until I played it and it become one of my favourite games of the year.
Psychological distress among adult children of divorce who perceive experiencing parental alienation syndrome in earlier years.
The best element of Children of Men for me was the realism.
I read research that suggests a higher rate of autism in children of mothers with thyroid disease.
I am a passionate individual who love working with children of different ages and have a verifiable track record of creating a safe and nurturing environment for children.
Many social activities are designed to make valuable social connections with children of other families with enough disposable income to pay for these activities.
Studies also show that the emotional costs borne by children of color being raised by white parents - which often occurs with international adoptions - are less dire than critics believe.
Children of undocumented parents live in fear that their parents will be arrested.
Many of these clients are adult children of alcoholic parents, or have experienced childhood physical or sexual abuse.
Significant success was also achieved in universal education with more than 97 % of children of school going age being enrolled in school, with a gender parity of 1:1.
I am a free spirited, free loving child of mother earth..
Chances are you'll see children of migrants dominating the prize - winners.
This acts as a barrier to the registration of children of single women with Indian status that works in unfair ways to exclude individuals based on the circumstances or decisions of their parents.
To date, few large - scale depression prevention trials have been conducted targeting high risk children of depressed parents.
Now we know that with short - term cognitive interventions we can teach this particular skill and that alone improves the attachment security outcome for children of high risk parents.
Proven ability to develop disciplinary and self - care skills among children of various ages.
Included in the video are interviews with several adoptive parents who discuss the obstacles they faced in raising children of a different race.
The visuals are the most striking thing about Child of Light.
But unrelated topics have also been raised, such as infrastructure, charter schools and college aid for children of illegal immigrants.
When you're the last - born child of the family, you have to contend with being the smallest and weakest of the bunch.
So we need to kind of be the poster children of how to do [compliance] correctly.
It looks great to me, but even if it is, I can still see it being leagues away from Children of Men.
She uses her own wedding as an example: «My husband is an only child of only child parents,» she says.
Poor children, a population in which children of color are disproportionately represented, watch even more television than their middle - and upper - class counterparts.
The rest are from throughout the county and include children of other races and socioeconomic backgrounds.
Certain beliefs and practices are central in the lives of educators who help children of poverty turn their hopes for better lives into reality.
In addition, the spouses and children of people who suffered such devastating injuries may be able to bring their own claims for compensation for related harm that they suffered as a result.
The author specifically encourages adoptive parents to foster the development of a cultural identity in their adopted children of color.
This helps explain why children of divorce are two to three times more likely than other children to end up with very serious social and emotional problems.
A reasonable amount of discipline is very important but pulling strings too hard can actually have an adverse effect on children of today.
The legal requirements to provide care for minor children of course exceed the legal requirements to care for parents or other older relatives.
And we were refusing vaccines at the risk of the health of lower - income children of color.
The court may change the names of the minor children of divorced parents when application for that purpose is made in the complaint for divorce.
Teacher training includes a large amount of «crowd control», as well as techniques for helping thirty or more children of different abilities to learn in a classroom.
This is where Child of Light draws its strength: its ability to portray a fairy tale narrative is enhanced by the aesthetics in a way that games rarely achieve.
Do you know if the same is true for children of American citizens.
Wouldn't want those precious children of yours feeling the slightest bit of discomfort now, would we?
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