Sentences with phrase «chord with someone»

By the 1930s, Regionalism, along with its ethical cousin Social Realism formed part of a broad movement known as American Scene Painting, which struck a popular chord with many people, not least because it offered a positive antidote to the gloom of The Great Depression which was ravaging the country.
Things didn't really turn around until the publication of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin, which struck an emotional chord with readers and once again appealed to the general sweep of Scripture rather than the letter.
The fact that films like «Get Out,» «Wonder Woman,» and «Call Me by Your Name» struck such powerful chords with audiences and critics alike — and are in the awards mix — speaks to a hunger for the kind of inclusion Hollywood has been sorely lacking for, well, ever.
Keeping in mind, Soderlund's comments, it is safe to assume that the sequel will also feature a single - player campaign, which is bound to strike the right chords with fans.
Keeping in mind, Soderlund's comments, it is safe to assume that the sequel will also feature a single - player campaign, which is bound to strike the right chords with fans.
«It's hit an emotional chord with consumers that you don't get from a traditional ad campaign.»
But the new car could strike a completely new chord with buyers.
This story will strike a familiar chord with anyone who has experienced abandonment by a parent (or two).
With splendid action, dynamic real time battles and thousands of items to collect and upgrade, Raven has struck a resonant chord with gamers.
The efficient and aerodynamic exterior of the 2011 Dodge Charger is spiritually inspired by the iconic second - generation Charger from the late 1960s, featuring a design that is sure to strike an emotional chord with Dodge performance enthusiasts of all generations.
You might think it hard to expand on the Spartan's story by now but the game actually strikes an immediate chord with long - time fans by telling the tale of Kratos» long lost brother, Deimos.
Sometimes the profile doesn't always hit the right chord with someone, but if you venture into the chat rooms, you have a chance to see a person's personality first hand; and, when you combine this with the information on their profile, it's a much better way to judge if there could be something special there or not.
«Hitting the right emotional and responsive chords with buyers is the goal,» says Nicole.
The recent release of Lady Bird makes Greta Gerwig one of several directorial debuts this year to strike a resonant chord with audiences — it's self - assured and absent of clichés, and if you've seen it already, you're probably aware that it's the kind of movie that will make you want to go and call your mom as soon as its done.
She chooses one image a day that strikes a particular chord with her, and her work is filled with images of conflict and suffering, particularly involving children.
It's a no - brainer to see why 20 Feet From Stardom struck a resounding feel - good chord with Academy Award voters.
Sometime I experiment to see if I can get unlikely ingredients to cooperate, or to play a minor chord with several spices.
What men want: Singer Daya has a lot to say about men and relationships, and her songs strike a deep chord with listeners around the world...
It's a persona that struck a familiar chord with author Doris Kearns Goodwin, whose book «Team of Rivals» Spielberg optioned in 2005.
The charming story of a group of senior citizens deciding to leave England for a new life in India struck a positive chord with movie patrons and cynical movie critics.
The Howard Hodgkin, Barry Flanagan and Michael Craig - Martin exhibitions will continue the excellent standards, in content and presentation, seen in the Jasper Johns, Laurie Anderson and Tony O'Malley exhibitions, which struck a real chord with Irish and international visitors and helped raise IMMA's visitor numbers for 2005 to the highest level in its history.
The Final Word: SSX strikes an immediate chord with series fans, while still providing a more than welcoming feel for people new to the franchise.
The installation struck a sympathetic chord with curators and critics who appreciated Attia's readiness to address the transcultural themes that were already dominating the big international exhibitions.
Mark Cohen's column in Forbes, Goodbye guild: Law's changing culture, struck a deep chord with this sentence: «Law is not about lawyers anymore».
Whether that's because inflatable bananas strike a real chord with his soul, or because he's a professional who takes pride in his work, or because he really, really hates Francesco Totti... it doesn't really matter.
One specific achievement that struck a personal chord with supporters was Radrizzani's successful attempt at bringing Elland Road back into the club's ownership for the first time since 2004.
But the images of Salma Hayek breast - feeding a starving baby in Sierra Leone struck a personal and political chord with me.
Others, however, strike a bigger chord with fans than their makers expected.
Miliband has struck a popular chord with his promises of energy bill freezes and support of small business; Cameron was determined to show that the Conservative agenda placed his party on the side of the British people.
And his embrace of the media spotlight sometimes struck the wrong chord with defense lawyers and judges.
If the collection's archness was distancing, it struck one genuine chord with the designer's tribute to soon - to - close Colette.
Four years before Michael Myers began his Halloween night rampage, this holiday - themed tale of a stalker roaming a sorority house struck a solid chord with the midnight movie crowd — and it still holds up surprisingly well today.
The series still strikes a significant chord with audiences who keep coming back for more, year after year.
Behind the back of all woodpecker - like dialogues, some have gathered to breath in choirs, to attest major chords with minor adjustments.»
Now in its sixth iteration, Namco's latest button - bash - a-thon may no longer be exclusive to the PS3 but it will surely continue to strike a fighting chord with many fans of the series.
The map system in particular struck an odd chord with me in this regard.
Something's Wrong strikes a potent visual chord with the earlier monoprint Terribly Wrong (1997) of the same subject, lent to the exhibition by Tate, which is displayed on the adjacent wall for comparison and context; the glistening coins stitched to the blanket, between the splayed legs, make the materialism implied in the message hard, shiny and potent.
Entrepreneurial evangelists recommend the newbie entrepreneurs to go by the slogan «Start Small, Think Big», and with small businesses striking the right chords with entrepreneurs, a major must - have includes the fundamental applications that should be kept handy regardless of the devices used by entrepreneurs.
In plainer words, he's extremely unlikable, even for a character who will undoubtedly strike a negative chord with devout Catholics.
Unsurprisingly, movies about journalism can often strike a dishonest chord with some viewers, mainly ones who have a natural distaste in films that almost deify the media, even when there's a fair share of evenhandedness.
And it strikes a bad chord with me when someone who claims to be a lactation consultant can not appreciate that women can have very personal emotional responses to breastfeeding, whether triggered by past trauma or not, and thinks that such feelings need to be hidden away from your delicate flowers?
Conservatives fear Ed Miliband struck chord with public, but Labour divided as Peter Mandelson disagrees with price freeze
Featuring thin frets and low string action, small fingers will easily be able to form chords with easy - to - press strings.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z