Sentences with phrase «climate skeptic»

The slowdown in the upward march of global average temperatures has been greeted by climate skeptics as evidence that the climate is less affected by greenhouse gases than thought.
The group regularly includes climate skeptics in its conferences.
But such explanations did not satisfy a pair of climate skeptics who also testified yesterday.
But low climate sensitivity, even those as low as climate skeptics champion, does not relieve the need for policy intervention.
Some so called climate skeptics are indeed politically and economically motivated; so are environmental pressure groups.
These climate models are NOT the same as weather models, I might add, which is one of the lies spun by many climate skeptics to try to inject uncertainty into the debate.
Climate skeptics said the new emails provide more evidence for their claims that mainstream climate scientists have distorted the evidence for climate change.
The scientists who've written this paper aren't climate skeptics.
What our current administration and so many other climate skeptics fail to realize, is that the costs of mitigation and prevention are so much smaller then the costs of cleanup and reaction.
Even if climate skeptics are right about the most likely scenario being a moderate warming, the possibility remains that the unlikely will occur.
It is no exaggeration to say that the vibrant, international climate skeptic community owes its very existence to the Internet.
Rather than competing against climate skeptics on an even playing field, out in the open, so that the public can make its own decisions, global warming activists are trying to cheat.
Climate skeptics frequently predict that the real climate will warm less than climate models suggest it will over the next century.
Climate skeptics often make precisely this claim, citing the warming pause as evidence.
Of the remaining funds, it's unclear how much goes toward climate skeptic research and how much to other activities.
A British academic wants an international court to declare climate skeptics wrong, once and for all.
There should be spaces in our communities where climate skeptics can speak freely.
The public faith in science is still strong, as demonstrated by the way climate skeptics use science - like language to reject the conclusions of specific scientists, the study says.
The first climate skeptic gathering this journalist attended was a 1 - day event in 2009.
A British academic wants an international court to declare climate skeptics wrong, once and for all.
In the end, I estimate that his list is 80 — 90 percent bogus — which leaves a few dozen credible climate skeptics on the list.
Climate skeptics love to put words in the mouths of climate scientists that way.
Finally, I thought it would be interesting to see if climate skeptics endorsed the research following my article.
Many individual climate skeptics who managed to get media attention with effective arguments became the first to receive lawsuits.
Let's suppose climate skeptics are right about climate sensitivity.
A pragmatic analysis that reveals common ground between moderate climate activists & moderate climate skeptics.
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