Sentences with phrase «cognitive structures»

«The purpose of the study has been to discover the underlying cognitive structure of religious beliefs — to find out what cognitive processes take place when religious and nonreligious people think about religion,» Kapogiannis tells me.
The key process that takes place in the learner's brain is subsumption, wherein new content is related to relative ideas that are already present in the existing cognitive structure on a non-verbatim basis.
We receive verbal and nonverbal stimuli through several sensorimotor systems — visual, auditory, haptic (the feel of objects), gustation (taste), olfaction (smell), and emotion — and we make representational associations of these stimuli with cognitive structures in our minds.
In their investigation of churches in a Midwestern county, for example, W. Widick Schroeder and Victor Obenhaus describe as a major finding the absence in each of «informing cognitive structures.
Formulated another way, Gestalt psychology does not give sufficient consideration to the structuring activity of the subject, which continues to produce, in addition to the forms of perception (which themselves undergo a development), new cognitive structures and especially thought structures, which in the end have little in common with perceptive figurations.
Presumably, similarities of interpersonal behaviors across different social relationships may be underlined by an overarching, trait - like cognitive structure or mental representations (Bowlby, 1982; Reis et al., 2002).
Existing cognitive structures should not be developed, but merely reorganized within the learners» memory.
See W. Widick Schroeder, Cognitive Structures and Religious Research: Essays in Sociology and Theology (East Lansing, Mich.: Michigan State University, 1970).
The important point to notice is that the mode of presentational immediacy is not the mere enjoyment of sensations, but has a cognitive structure.
It really is an assault on their cognitive structure which appears abusive and insane to them.
Cultures are cognitive structures that shape how people view themselves, relate to the world and to each other.
Thus, this tool prepares the cognitive structure of learners for the learning session which is about to occur, through schemas and conceptual patterns, so that new information can be seamlessly subsumed into the existing cognitive structures.
Cognitive structures is what's left in the human brain from all the learning experiences, after forgetting inevitably occurs.
Taney Roniger's Brooklyn Rail review of Jong Oh's one - person show in 2016 gets it just right: «hybrid constructions point not just to the invisible medium» (space), «but to a still, subtler realm of invisibilia: that which lies hidden within, in the cognitive structures unique to our humanness.»
Let's say that the cognitive structure of my painting approach is close to linguistics structures - how language works.
When the Need for Cognitive Structure does not Cause Heuristic Thinking: The Moderating Effect of the Perceived Ability to Achieve Cognitive Structure
The (mental) ties that bind: Cognitive structures that predict relationship resilience.
As a consequence, treatment interventions often fail to modify or restructure those particular values or cognitive structures that led to the adolescent's misbehavior.
Moreover, they showed that mental schemas of attachment can have different accessibility depending on different contexts, in a similar way to the majority of cognitive structures.
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