Sentences with word «communitarian»

The egalitarian communitarians in the anti-pollution conditon saw no tension between — indeed, likely perceived an affinity between — the dire conclusions of the study and the «game over!»
While pathos, suffering and pain have found a place in Dalit theology, the rich Dalit traditions of celebrating life in the context of communitarian values seem to have been completely forgotten by Dalit theologians with few exceptions.
It has often been viewed as a «single issue» environmentalist party, but while it still maintains its environmental policies and political ecology, it also has a history of support for communitarian economic policies, including well - funded, locally controlled public services within the confines of a steady state economy, and it supports proportional representation.
Because most people with any sort of knowledge of the recent academic debates / fights in and around modern liberalism would know that Sandel is usually classed as communitarian critic of liberalism.
Rather, my point (made clear by succeeding paragraphs) is that we should not take new communitarians seriously when they claim they are merely reinforcing existing egalitarian values.
Jouvenel's political science may supply the discussion of intermediate authority that is neglected in the contemporary communitarian critique of liberalism.
But in the movement toward an economically unified Europe, some national sovereignty had to be given up to serve a more communitarian vision.
Ms. Timoner, who lives in Park Slope with her wife and two sons, is eager to attack what she sees as the pressing issues of the day — poverty, racism, violence, deep inequality — with a kind of communitarian approach to Judaism.
It needs to be balanced with communitarian insights.
Canadian legislation and its prevailing public discourse, frequently reflected the collectivist and communitarian aspects of Canada's incoming European ideologies.
The new vision for Catholic telecommunications will probably be more decentralized in its design, again reflecting other models like Internet, and the «reinventing government» and communitarian movements.
But part of the reason that polarization was lower in the geoengineering condition was that egalitarian communitarians who read the geoengineering news story reacted less open - mindedly toward the climate - change study than their counterparts who first read the anti-pollution news story.
I would say Jon Cruddas is both a Democratic republican and a left communitarian at the same time.
For example, recent experiments with new patterns of authority seem to show, just as did similar communitarian experiments in the 19th century, that the more egalitarian the group, the more ephemeral it is.
This fear of tribalism and violence is perhaps the foremost difficulty that most communitarian accounts of knowledge must face.
Just as Cameron's conservatives sought to rebrand and realign themselves as a progressive force, so today leading thinkers on the left are reaching into conservative and communitarian traditions for inspiration and political renewal.
The autonomous person, liberated from the constraints of the past and free perhaps even from the stigma of social disapproval of his chosen lifestyle, has become the new god of the Canadian civil religion, almost totally eclipsing whatever communitarian elements have managed to survive the cultural shifts of recent decades.
Indeed, it should be emphasized that they exhibit in the very production of this book the kind of communitarian spirit they so desire for the rest of us.
But while it is hard to imagine theologians writing scientific papers that use the Bible's cosmology or creation account in a literal way, as though Copernicus or Darwin never lived, theologians and clergy abound who accept the Bible's communitarian social framework as normative for political - economic analysis today.
These are worthy aspirations, but ones that must be weighed by communitarian as well as cosmopolitan criteria.
Ronald Radosh, Senior Research Associate at the Center for Communitarian Policy Studies, George Washington University, is coauthor with Mary R. Habeck of Spain Betrayed: The Soviet Union and the Spanish Civil War, forthcoming from Yale University Press.
Each of them may be found in baseball, a game played by communitarian individuals who live freedom for excellence such that personal achievement contributes to the general welfare through a well - ordered division of hierarchical responsibilities exercised in cooperative teamwork.
Whether referring to the community, the family, the canon, or the «bag of virtues» that Kohlberg derided, neoclassical and communitarian educators all accord these traditional institutions and influences much greater legitimacy and authority in the moral development of children.
I think this makes much more effective at dealing with power relationships and difference than left or right communitarian, or liberal positions.
It's also communitarian; the community of faith we call «the Church,» like a family, is organized by a variety of tasks and a hierarchy of responsibility.
But because the impressions of both groups converged and diverged from positions endorsed in NAS «expert consensus» in a pattern reflective of their respective predispositions, it seems more likely that both hierarchical individualists and egalitarian communitarians are fitting their perceptions of scientific consensus to their values.
The more liberal respondents tended to adopt opinions that support an egalitarian and communitarian framework.
Annas and Caiaphas were in their appointed places, providing communitarian cement for Rome's social engineers.
Of particular interest is a fifteen «page exchange with Robert P. George on the agreements and disagreements between communitarians and social conservatives.
The conclusion would seem to be that, where communitarians differ from social conservatives, they are liberals.
What is left unclear is why communitarian conservatism is the pseudo form while libertarianism is the real thing.
To criticize communitarian thought simply because it deploys images drawn from a real or imagined past as criticism of the present is to dismiss arbitrarily much of modern social and political theory.
The kinds of obligations binding together creedal communities, for example, make many Americans and most communitarians nervous, and so they are written off as «puritanical,» authoritarian, and extreme.
Though there are clear points of resistance, the neoclassical and communitarian strategies share affinities with Romantic modernism as well.
In the early years of his leadership, Cameron became connected with the so - called «Red Toryism» of Phillip Blond, a right - wing communitarian approach which criticised both state and market for disrupting traditional ways of life and eroding individual responsibility.
So is compassite ideology communitarian or reconstructed Stalinism?
Communitarians attach too much authority to existing social relationships and identities, while (crude) liberal individualists underplay (knowingly or not) their importance.
UUP voters tend to take a similar, if slightly more communitarian position to Conservative voters.
While associated mainly with environmentalist policies, it has a history of support for communitarian economic policies, including well - funded, locally controlled public services within the confines of a steady - state economy, is supportive of proportional representation and takes a progressive approach to social policies.
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