Sentences with phrase «consequence for children»

This remarkable study suggests that teacher value - added has long - term consequences for children.
This can result in serious consequences for children's healthy development and well - being.
Unfortunately, most of the impact of this shift in American family structure has resulted in negative social and economic consequences for the children of divorce.
This has had devastating consequences for child rights as described below.
This disconnect has dire consequences for children in the areas of health, communication skills, and academics.
Research on the impact of separation on children has shown that ongoing parental conflict can result in negative psychological consequences for children.
A vast body of literature shows that maternal depression has long - term adverse consequences for children.
Seeking professional assistance earlier can lessen the risk of lasting emotional consequences for your child.
High levels of instability and complexity have important consequences for children's home environment and the quality of the parenting they receive.
When that happens, there can be dire consequences for the children remaining in the country and / or for the children that could be placed by the agency in the future.
Such parents also have a great deal of trouble separating from their kids in adolescence and nurturing their children's independence, with damaging consequences for children's emotional and moral development.
This becomes a positive consequence for your child and a positive action for you as a parent.
The digital world is here to stay, changing our society in a way that has far reaching consequences for our children.
Divorce Children A shift in American family structure has resulted in negative social and economic consequences for the children of divorce.
Child care settings have been linked to both positive and negative consequences for child development.
But our collective emphasis on grit is causing us to overlook other critical skills, and that oversight is having real consequences for our children.
«in my newborn which has no immune system» What does your baby's immune system have to do with a possible vitamin deficiency which may lead to catastrophic consequences for your child?
There are some things you can do to make sure taking away a privilege is an effective consequence for your child.
You're still the parent, and can set limits, rules and make consequences for your child should your rules be ignored.
The juvenile justice system may provide consequence for your child's behavior, but most often, it does not treat the underlying problems or provide your child with the help they need.
Setting clear rules and predictable consequences for children's behaviour helps them know what you expect.
There are consequences for children when they make mistakes and cause big conflicts, and there are consequences for the adult as well.
Let's face it, marital conflict can have negative consequences for children whether their parents are married or divorced.
Multiple parenting relationships occur when parents have children with more than one partner and can increase relationship strains with serious consequences for children.
Birth injuries can have significant, long - term consequences for your child's health and your finances.
A broad consensus of studies finds that divorce has serious negative lifelong psychological consequences for children, and costs taxpayers billions of dollars annually.
Sadly, even the «best» divorce has lifelong negative consequences for children.
A nighttime with screaming is an ordeal for all, and often results in emotional consequences for the child.
Most parenting experts agree that we should work to establish natural consequences for children's behavior.
These feeling of guilt and abandonment may have far - reaching consequences for your child's mental health.
What we, as a nation, don't understand about child abuse and neglect has dire consequences for children and in society.
If you have concerns about the health consequences for the child who was spat on, talk with the school nurse.
To evaluate the extent to which a program of home visitation (Early Start), targeted at families who are facing stress and difficulty, had beneficial consequences for child health, preschool education, service utilization, parenting, child abuse and neglect, and behavioral adjustment.
The proposed law's goal is to «reduce unnecessary divorce, avoid serious lifelong consequences for children, and save taxpayers billions of dollars.»
Missing out on even one hour of sleep a night could have major consequences for a child, possibly lowering their cognitive abilities the following day and possibly hurting their academic performance at school or acquisition of knowledge at home.
A belief in anti-vaccine conspiracy theories may have significant and detrimental consequences for children's health, new research from the University has shown.
(9) SIBO may have especially harmful consequences for children due to the malabsorptive state it causes in the small intestine, which can lead to deficiencies in vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients that are crucial for physical growth and development.
Unresolved attachment issues can have severe consequences for children later on in their lives.
Chronic exposure to the negative (e.g. rejection / victimization by peers or teachers, friendlessness) or positive aspects of these social experiences (e.g. peer - group acceptance) has greater consequences for children's psychological and school adjustment than transient exposure.
Many Americans fear a reduction in divorces would condemn more adults to grim, unhappy lives, with negative consequences for children as well.
In the end, the film is a small one, even with a brief, weightier meditation on the unfortunate state of orphaned children, and the notion of comprehending consequences for a child without an understanding of potential or the future.
On the night of the county's biggest rally, Ella May, weighing the costs of her choice, makes up her mind to join the movement - a decision that will have lasting consequences for her children, her friends, her town - indeed all that she loves.
«The Trump administration's continued denial of climate change in service of big polluters will have grave consequences for our children and our grandchildren,» Udall added.
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