Sentences with phrase «conservative people»

One must not rock the boat even a little, or donations from very conservative people may disappear.
Possibly... but he'll scare off a lot of more conservative people, and nobody will take him serious as a professional.
If I were to list out all the socially conservative people I have known in my life, well over 50 % have been women.
So is the true fiscal conservative the person who favors tax cuts (which are popular) or the person who opposes spending increases (which are also popular)?
Such reasons have also existed against ancient and traditional decisions, even if they were not expressed in so many words and were not felt to be important by conservative people.
A study that demonstrates a socially and economically conservative group to have the demographics typical of socially and economically conservative people.
This group of traditionally dressed conservative people now contribute to the agricultural economy of the country.
Um... by definition the Pope is one of the most conservative people in the world, and religion is the epitome of «conservative».
But Bauer has always worked to position himself as the most conservative person in the race.
The dictum is also inaccurate for it arbitrarily disqualifies as conservatives people who accept and struggle to preserve every conservative value but who do not believe that such values derive from a transcendent order.
The fact that monthly investment plans do not erode the capital makes them a good choice for conservative people looking for capital protection, rather than capital growth.
I consider myself a fairly conservative person on most issues, and you wouldn't believe the kind of hate that is being spewed at me on Twitter.
For example, the «openness» factor ranges from liberal to conservative, loosely mapping onto political tendencies, and indeed liberal people tended to like Bowie and atheism, whereas conservative people like Fox News and Limbaugh.
For instance, passionate and energetic characters prefer Latin moves, whereas more conservative people with classy manners might go for a ballroom mood as a way of expressing their emotions.
Thus great many of these people gathering in Mecca are well off conservative people who may not have much interest in the arab spring.
Although the people who say something nice are almost always religious and conservative, the people with the quickly furrowed brows are either religious or secular, and I've been surprised to find out how many seriously religious and politically very conservative people dislike homeschooling and jump to tell you so.
Hence such conservative people, too, have a genuine individual function and duty in the whole Church, provided only that they are obedient to the authorities, open to their directives and loving and reasonable towards all their brethren.
Conservative people simply believe in personal responsibility.
Other research has shown that politically conservative people report greater sensitivity to disgust.
«What I wear tells others about my confidence, my job, my imagination and even my moral beliefs — conservative people tend to dress conservatively, for example.
You see, I'm a rather conservative person in general so therefore and I dress conservatively.
The old controversial thinking about interracial dating is slowly becoming a thing of the past, but still conservative people are there everywhere to pass unpalatable comments or raise their eyebrows.
Filipinas are most likely conservative people, considering that they are raised in a Christian country.
Honest, Truthful person, Determined person, Open mind but conservative person too.
Well, we really can't blame anyone on this, after all this is the present - day and although many conservative people do not like the idea of online dating or mixed race dating websites, it will continue to inspire people who are looking for a date or people who are seeking mixed race dating tips.
The conservative investor always seems to crave a little more moderate risk when markets are moving higher... the aggressive investor usually downshifts to a moderately conservative person during times of market stress.
Did the word «devil» put off a bunch of overly conservative people at Nintendo of America or something?
As a typical conservative person, i have some apprehension about going for private insurance with fear that there may be the case that these private companies can do bankrupt or close in some years so how my money is safeguard as compared to LIC.
I hear more conservative people say there are problems with LO and I am wondering if the problem is simply that its tuff to get them qualified and if you do nt the person will be upset.
All the things that horrify very conservative people (abortion, divorce, birth control, homosexuality, speaking out about abuse, etc) have been around since the beginning of time.
It is much more appropriately applied to human behaviors and beliefs, and sorry my friend, the Pope and the Vatican are among the most conservative people on earth.
I was there on the ground and was amazed at how much of their vote seemed to be coming from working and lower middle class voters, eurosceptic and socially conservative people, many of whom will have voted Labour at some point in the near past.
I know there are a lot of fiscal conservative people (and a lot fo dems are fiscally conservative still and business friendly) agree with biden on some of those stances.
I was also reminded how conservative people in our industry can be when I read some of the reaction to my Morning Brief from today which talked about eBooks.
My recollection was of more cautious, conservative people in these roles, there, now and again, to defend the status quo, ensure cost - saving and keep a balance between the interests of the printer and the publisher; once - in - a-while they might lean excessively in favour of those of the former.
It's fascinating since I've mostly been in that very world and am generally a traditional, conservative person who defers to authority figures.
Even the most conservative people will admit this when they rush to protect their neighborhoods with building codes that compromise the integrity of private property.
In her fashion blog, Griffin tries to give women advance warning of what more conservative people might think about certain clothing choices.
In the conservative person's eyes, that compares favorably to money invested in a traditional variable annuity or in a retail mutual fund.
Under the order, «conservative people of faith will feel very, very free that they won't have to set their conscience aside and be fearful of the law.»
«Baptists are conservative people,» he said.
Austria is currently ruled by a «grand coalition» of Social Democrats and the conservative People's Party.
We are left with Mr. Trump's apparent resolve to appoint very conservative persons to the Federal bench.
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