Sentences with phrase «contemporary humans»

If the latter is the case, then an entire section of contemporary human social experience will be untouched by the reflection of the church.
This indicates that some of the variation seen in contemporary humans has been present for millions of years.
The preacher's sermon in our illustration gave no evidence that he knew anything about or understood contemporary human life.
This new body of work addresses the uncertainties of contemporary human life.
The quality of life is also the issue in our institutions; lightning - fast social change has made many of these ineffective in meeting contemporary human needs.
Contemporary human behavior theory: A critical perspective for social work.
The course will set contemporary human - caused climate change within the context of past nature climate variability.
Within her DNA, and that of her peers, existed almost all the genetic variation we see in contemporary humans.
I care about nature - surroundings which are threatened by industrial development and the massive costs created by global warming and unbridled capitalism and twist the attitude of contemporary human beings and society.
These local chapters usually deal with the history of the Holocaust in that particular country or with contemporary human rights issues.
And this has consequences for contemporary human rights issues, including abortion, euthanasia, human trafcking, war, etc..
The Advisory Council of Jurists of the Asia - Pacific Forum on National Human Rights Institutions endorsed the idea that the protection of the environment is «a vital part of contemporary human rights doctrine and a sine qua non for numerous human rights, such as the right to health and the right to life».
Jonathan Sims on his work: «My artistic practice is an exploration of contemporary human relationship with the non-objective.
In a selection of eighteen canvases created between 2002 and 2016, Luis Cruz Azaceta: War and Other Disasters at the University of Alabama — Birmingham's Abroms - Engel Institute for the Visual Arts mobilizes expressionism to explore the range of disasters that define contemporary human experience.
The relatively stable, 11,700 - year - long Holocene epoch is the only state of the ES that we know for certain can support contemporary human societies.
Featuring detailed replicas of nearly 100 objects from The Met collection, The Theater of Disappearance encompasses thousands of years of artistic production over several continents and cultures, and fuses them with facsimiles of contemporary human figures as well as furniture, animals, cutlery, and food.
Each asks salient questions about contemporary human relationships in today's increasingly digitized landscape.!
Morgan and University of Liverpool archaeologist Natalie Uomini arrived at their conclusions by conducting a series of experiments in teaching contemporary humans the art of «Oldowan stone - knapping,» in which butchering «flakes» are created by hammering a hard rock against certain volcanic or glassy rocks, like basalt or flint.
Contrary to the authors» claim that the Holocene is the «only state of the planet that we know for certain can support contemporary human societies,» the human - altered ecosystems of the Anthropocene represent the only state of the planet that we know for certain can support contemporary civilization.
She comments that, «gazing steadily at the point at which one element meets another, Terrain asks us to think about these imprints left by the material processes of work as the evidence of our presence on the earth, and to think about how contemporary human beings, living in a western urban environment, can relate to the metaphysics of the labor which enables our lives.»
Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Human Services, 291 — 298.
Each artist employs a variety of materials and forms, ranging from high - tech software to low - tech hardware, as well as the pictorial language of abstract and figurative art, in ways that attempt to describe contemporary human existence in visual terms.
The luck continued when Viola's colleagues found that the bone contained well - preserved DNA, and they sequenced its genome to the same accuracy as that achieved for contemporary human genomes (Q. Fu et al.Nature 514, 445 — 449; 2014).
Initial efforts to tally the cost to Japan from the great earthquake and tsunami have produced figures that vividly illustrate the deep contrast between contemporary human situations on this planet, particularly when juxtaposed with costs tallied from the last such twin calamity, the great Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami of 2004.
Paleontologists have long noted strange grooves near the gum line on dental remains dating back to Homo erectus, «but it was assumed they couldn't be from tooth picking, because they never show up on contemporary human remains,» Hlusko says.
The paper also makes clear that another reason history matters is that to be able to predict the effects of contemporary human activity, to create accurate models for future climate change for example, we need to know how modern landscapes have been shaped by the actions of people in the past.
Based in the Detroit area, where she is artist - in - residence and head of the painting department of the Cranbrook Academy of Art, Fishman subversively explores perception and the ways contemporary humans fill the voids in our lives.
Although he successfully addresses the climate issue, it is clear that Stoknes has something bigger in mind as he expertly describes contemporary human relationships with the natural world and offers hope for a revitalized ecological link.
In all of these we can not fail to note — whatever else is the work of the Word — the sharp, specific references to the throbbing life of contemporary human history.
Even though the sole fossil specimen was found in the mountains of Siberia, contemporary humans from Melanesia (a region in the South Pacific) seem to be the most likely to harbor Denisovan DNA.
It is necessary to collect the questions posed by contemporary human knowledge, especially scientific, and respond to them, showing the reasons for the faith and the plausibility of believing and living as aChristian.
Now let me comment on how I relate to contemporary human concerns in my basically hermeneutical theology.
For him the revelation of God as attested by Scripture stands over against contemporary human culture, whether religious or secular, with the divine Word of promise and judgment.
Burton's comment reflects the surprise that most people experience when hearing about contemporary human slavery.
In the same way that chattel slavery epitomized the period of colonization, so contemporary human trafficking epitomizes the political, economic and social realities of the world in which we find ourselves.
These macaques were moved from a spacious countryside facility to small indoor enclosures and served fatty and sugary food for several weeks, to imitate the environment of many contemporary humans.
In stark contrast to contemporary human influenza H1N1 viruses, the 1918 pandemic virus had the ability to replicate in the absence of trypsin, caused death in mice and embryonated chicken eggs, and displayed a high - growth phenotype in human bronchial epithelial cells.
The Mars exploration program is one of the brightest jewels in the crown of American science; indeed, it represents one of the great cultural accomplishments of contemporary human civilization.
Certainly one of the most interesting approaches to tackle the subject of Christianity, Novitiate does not seek to give out answers or judge religion as a whole, but presents the power struggle and human emotions that mirror the contemporary
The artist has also long been fascinated with the intersection of contemporary human psychology and mankind's increasingly refined imitative technologies.
What emerges is a hybrid of the mechanical the organic — a metaphor for contemporary human reality
Searching for ways to understand contemporary human dynamics, the artist studies societies, social structures and individual perceptions of the world around us, which are often masked by a larger narrative.
Demonstrating diverse approaches to process, handling of materials and subject matter, they investigate broad themes from political and social allegory to issues of gender and sexuality, reflecting contemporary human sensibilities and attitudes towards the world around us.
But the Sahara has relevance to contemporary human migrations as well.
Some Epistemological Topics in Contemporary Human Sciences
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