Sentences with phrase «creative word»

If you know the staged version, you are already familiar with the beautiful music and insanely creative word play in the lyrics.
They come up with creative word problems and have challenging problems.
50 innovative, creative Word resume templates that can be customized with a variety of fonts, colors, and formatting changes.
This arguably is creative wording on the part of AMD, as in practical use, it doesn't appear to operate any different from previous designs in gaming.
John tells us that this same creative Word which was with God from the beginning, and was indeed basic to God's nature, has now become a creature, a specific human being, so that we are able to see the Creator in a form of his creation.
The possibilities which the divine creative Word holds for the future are inexhaustible, and any restriction of that Word to the risen Christ bespeaks a parochial anthropocentrism we should eschew.
Included are: Certaines choses sur moi - Some Things About Me Mes objectifs de l'école - My School Goals Commencer votre journée scolaire - Starting Your School Day Après votre journée scolaire - After Your School Day Les activités d'association de mots - Word Association Activities Faire des mots - Creative Word Make Each activity comes in color and in black and white too!
I had the pleasure of reading them nearly eight weeks ago now, and let me tell you that in those last weeks of pregnancy, their beautiful, inspiring, real, funny, and honest and creative words evoked so much emotion for me.
Despite having a degree in English and Creative Writing I never wrote ONE creative word through the following 30 years of working in business and raising a family.
Intelligent, creative Word Processor with excellent proofreading, grammar and language skills.
its good to hear that you have creative words too =) mine is milk.....
Creative Resume Template / Creative CV Template + free Cover Letter Professional and Creative Word Resume Template with 3 Header Designs
Included are: - Some Things About Me - My School Goals - Starting Your School Day - After Your School Day - Word Association Activities - Creative Word Make Each activity comes in color and in black and white too!
His idea of the creative Word, in fact, holds a commanding position in the history of thought,» and, in its developed form, it has become central to the philosophy of the Christian religion.
In short, the monks would have been tempted to lose sight of the final goal of their endeavors — not the mere accumulation of facts or the ability to impress others but rather that deep, structured understanding which is ultimately synonymous with the Logos, the creative Word.
P. 199) he writes: «In the beginning the creative Word - this Word that created all things, that created this intelligent design which is the cosmos - is also love.»
Rinzai's hope was that the monk would directly and immediately express his experience, in its depth and breadth, by uttering a creative word or performing a creative act.
who innocently suffers the consequences of other people's injustices, and who as the creative Word of God has the power and authority to identify with every victim of injustice and, as the one who suffers at our hands, grants us absolution from our evil.
Through every man's sin, sin comes into the world; that is, through every individual's failure to respond in faith to the creative Word of God, the sin of Adam and Eve is repeated once again.
The creative command and the creative Word Be are therefore prior to all phenomenal existence.
The divine command and creative Word were personified and given power to create and sustain that which they create.
The Qur» an, the divine command, and the creative Word Be, were all forms of the eternal attribute of speech.
It is a rich manifestation of a creative word (Claude Tresmontant); reality means nothing without this word backing it up.
The creative Word also situates God with respect to time.
This assurance was already included in the affirmation of the creative word.
14:6; «I am the life» means «I incarnate the creative word»; «I am the way» means that the word is a guide).
The divine principle that constantly seeks creative transformation in everything may be described as God's Logos — the divine, creative Word that expresses the very life of God.
If by the Christ - event we mean the human actualization of this creative Word, we must bear in mind the contingent aspects of God's address to man, for this address must be so coordinated with the human situation as to provide the means for a new creation transforming man.
The creative Word embodies God's general power of the future acting on all creatures, but the concrete character of the creative Word must be found in the specific way in which it addresses each species to evolve beyond itself.
Divine persuasion illuminates our understanding of the creative Word.
«In the mind of the theologian of the Prologue the creative word of God, the word of the Lord that came to the prophets, has become personal in Jesus who is the embodiment of divine revelation.
And if the center of our faith is not simply Jesus but Jesus as the Christ — not simply a man trapped within the limitations of his own history, but the creative Word that God speaks throughout his creation — then Christians must be attentive to what God may have to say to them through the general culture and history, regardless of how apparently lacking those may be in credentials for such communication.
The apostles, however, speak confidently of Christ's visible body as the focus and expression of the creative word in sound doctrine.
The Bible deals all through with the conception of a people of God, which is the point of application of God's creative Word, and the place where history is made through man's response to it.
According to our hymn, this creative Word was the source of life.
Jesus is the incarnation of the creative Word of God which expressed itself as light and life.
In the Old Testament, word means the creative word of God, present both in creation and given to the prophets to speak.
If she's flying in for the shower, perhaps you could get invites with airplanes on them, and do some creative wording about how she's flying in for a visit, so let's celebrate with her before baby comes in for a landing or she takes off for motherhood.
Using language - analysis software they identified the creative words and grouped them into clusters.
Creative wording?
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z