Sentences with phrase «daily improvement»

Rather than dealing with one crisis after another, you will set up your pup for success and will see daily improvement in his or her understanding and behavior.
When you take daily improvement steps, you end up covering a lot of ground over time.
They also share a framework for making daily improvements — centered around relationships, clarity, and challenge — that increases student learning and helps you manage your classroom's success.
I enjoyed the grind of it and seeing daily improvements.
Her chest x-rays showed daily improvement in her pneumonia, and once again, Kelly took her home.
Each small daily improvement massively compounds over time.
«Our goal has always been constant and consistent daily improvement.
In just one year, consistent 1 % daily improvements creates a 37X result.
CAREER HIGHLIGHTS * Improved On Time Delivery across 3 departments by 20 % through application of Managing Daily Improvement (MDI) wit...
but now struggle to be under 120 pounds and hold my weight of course on my thighs... i generally am Grateful for what God has given me but strive for daily improvement..
While his kidney values did show daily improvement, Gunner began to present other problems: lethargy, labored breathing, and lack of appetite.
Only by developing leadership expertise can they support teachers in the daily improvement of their craft.
High stakes assessments used in NCLB doesn't measure this sort of daily improvement.
Daily improvement should be a a constant goal for everybody, but if that nice little bonus check can cover the cost of tuition or help you buy a product or service that will make you lots of money potentially, then that's where the money should go.
Some of the things that you will learn here are: timing (when to start paddling for a wave and when to stand up), positioning on the board (normally you can try different size of boards according to your daily improvement), paddling techniques, turning (how to ride the wave sideways), getting through the bigger waves and surfing etiquette.
We live in an age of rapid and ever - expanding technology which gives way to daily improvements to graphics, AI, physics, level design, and so much more.
A single «Small c» idea won't bring fame or fortune, but lots of them will, over time, lead to incremental advances and daily improvements.
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