Sentences with phrase «damage to the structure»

Although your landlord will be responsible for taking care of damage to the structure of your home, you will not get coverage to help you while the repairs are being made.
You are, however, responsible for covering damages to the structure of the home, any of your own personal property that is kept inside, and any liability expenses that may arise.
Traditional homeowners insurance provides coverage for damage to the structure of the home and its contents.
Matters can get even worse if the changes cause damage to the structure, common property, or the neighbouring units e.g. by a support wall being removed.
Like a typical homeowners policy, it covers certain kinds of physical damage to the structure and surrounding property.
A wild party or overflowing sink can cause significant damage to a structure, which can lead to astronomical repair bills that most renters just can't cover out of their own pockets.
Property damage liability covers damages to structures other than a car, such as a house or business.
As is, property damage liability that covers $ 10,000 in damages to structures like a business and / or house [4].
These conditions may arise with or without damage to the structure or tissues of the brain.
A landlord's home insurance policy will cover water damage to the structure, but not the renter's contents.
Your landlord will be responsible for coverage flood damage to the structure of the rental property.
Many property owners only think about possible damage to their structure of their homes when they purchase coverage against heavy winds and storms.
It provides coverage against property damage to your structures and grounds, and it provides extra liability coverage to protect you from the extra risks you face as a landlord.
Many of the hazards that can do damages to the structure of your rental property can also harm your belongings.
Don't ever use a second - hand car seat, even from a friend or relative as there could be invisible damage to the structure that you can't see.
This includes damage to the structure of your home as well as your personal possessions.
If you rent your home, the landlord's insurance policy can cover tornado damage to the structure of your apartment, townhouse or single - family home.
Property damage only handles damages to a structure that does not include another automobile or even your own.
However, you could be responsible for damage to the structure if there were a loss due to your negligence.
Animals that find their way into your home and cause damage to the structure and insulation can cause this problem.
Physical damage to structures is typically not covered under your renters policy.
Any significant damage to the structure or content by guests may incur additional charges to their credit card.
Property damage liability covers damages to structures other than a car like a house or commercial business.
A condo association's master policy typically covers damages to the structure of the building and the common areas.
Many property owners think primarily about possible damage to the structure of their homes when they purchase coverage against heavy winds and storms.
A traditional homeowners insurance policy provides coverage for damage to the structure of the home as well as the contents within.
Our knowledge of tornadoes and hurricanes is based on numerous meteorological records as well as extensive investigations of damage to structures from extreme winds.
Building insurance for damage to structures such as the rental home or apartment complex, as well as sheds, garages, fences, retaining walls and swimming pools.
After a structure fire has been suppressed, firefighters carry out salvage and overhaul operations to check for and extinguish any smoldering hot spots, while at the same time trying to minimize damage to the structure and its contents.
These storms can also cause trees to fall onto your property, destroy sheds and detached garages and cause severe damage to the structure of your home.
Often the urine will also contain hyaline casts, which are proteins that are in the shape of the renal tubules and indicate damage to those structures.
Because the device transmits whenever jolted, it can also signal damage to structures such as bridges.
Instrumental observations of this earthquake were not available at the time, however historical reports from the few thousand people who lived in the East Bay at the time indicate major damage to structures.
Luckily, at a mere 6 on the Richter scale it was not strong enough to cause more than minor damage to the structures around me in Athens, Greece, let alone kill anyone.
Such an earthquake will cause widespread damage to structures, transportation and utilities, as well as economic and social disruption in the eastern region of the San Francisco Bay Area (East Bay).
A new study shows that the San Andreas Fault continued to slip gradually for six to twelve years after the 2004 magnitude 6.0 Parkfield, California earthquake, raising the issue of continued damage to structures built across fault zones after damaging earthquakes.
Dr Burgess added: «Amongst our allied health professions, what we did know about from decades of research and hundreds of case studies, is that bilateral damage to the hippocampal and / or diencephalon structures causes profound amnesia, and in the absence of apparent structural damage to these structures, it left an explanation widely open to speculation.
A boat made of such lightweight composites will not sink despite damage to its structure.
When Tippett and his colleagues pored through tornado statistics from 1965 through 2015, they identified 435 «extreme outbreaks» — clusters of a dozen or more twisters rated strong enough to have caused at least moderate damage to structures.
Research developments have included development and implementation of performance - based design methods for seismic retrofit of low rise school buildings, novel techniques for regional estimation of damage to structures during earthquakes, detailed studies on nonlinear dynamic analysis of structures and methods to evaluate the dynamic characteristics of large Civil Engineering structures.
«The actual damage to the structure is usually inconsequential, except when it starts a fire.
But if the tree fell without causing damage to a structure on your property, you may find that insurance won't cover the cost of removing the debris, according to the III.
Always contact your pet's doctor or their trained staff before using any over-the-counter medications in your pet's ears as your good intentions may lead to painful or permanent damage to structures located deep in the ear canals.
Property damage liability is designed to cover incidents where your vehicle causes damage to a structure like a house, business or even a roadway structure.
FMA provides funding to States, Territories, federally - recognized tribes and local communities for projects and planning that reduces or eliminates long - term risk of flood damage to structures insured under the NFIP.
This add - on cover provides cover against damage to the structure and / or its content caused due to burglary and theft.Some insurers offer it as an inbuilt cover, whereas with some of them offer it as an add on cover with the base home insurance policy.
Flood insurance covers physical damage to structures caused by flooding.
In addition to doing significant damage to the structure of your home by eating and nesting in the wood and base of your home, many pests can also pose very serious health hazards to humans.
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