Sentences with phrase «dead grass»

The coat ranges in camouflage colors from dark brown to tan or the color of dead grass.
And everywhere you look is just dead grass and mud.
A narrow strip of half - dead grass separated the building from the sidewalk.
Fig. 11C shows how such circles appear in the aerial view, with circles 1 — 3 showing some degree of central bareness, and 4 and 5 being still covered with dead grass.
a map would also show the size of texas covered in dead grass, the impossiblity of just cleaning it up and the possiblity of most of the state burning down.
One friend in Minnesota said she has never been so excited to see dead grass because it meant the snow was finally gone.
The herbivorous beast would also eat dead grass, allowing new grass to send its roots deeper into the ground to prevent erosion.
On a day in January, dead grasses bristle with ice along the edges of long cracks in the earth, and wisps of gas drift here and there.
Just like most of the other Mayfield houses, it's a large white house, but this one is neglected — caked with dirt, surrounded by dead grass, plus a peculiar tendency to blow gusts of leaves at whoever steps upon their grounds.
The lump of dead grass sank beneath his weight.
Coat colors range from a deep brown to a light tan called dead grass.
Halprin has a right to be concerned — brown grass is not actually dead grass, just dehydrated.
Myers says that if your lawn looked scrubby going into winter, it probably will at least need some spot repairs to replace dead grass and get rid of weeds.
The front of the house offers dead grass and a palm tree in need of trimming.
His skin's dark complexion was also tinted a dull yellow, producing the sallow cast of dead grass.
Details extracted from Fig. 10 do indeed show some spots that qualify as new fairy circles — circular patches, with dead grass and a bare center (patches 1 — 3 in Fig. 11C)-- but these are smaller than surrounding fairy circles present in 2010 (Fig. 10A).
We got one day last week and a few little sprigs of green popped up from our dead grass, but I could definitely use some more.
Last July, when he saw signs of a spill near his home, Keller notified the Health Department and sent pictures showing a trail of dead grass to an acquaintance at the EPA regional office in Denver.
In Fig. 11A, the circle is small and still covered with dead grass, whereas in Fig. 11B, dead grass in the center of the (larger) circle has disappeared, presumably through breakage and transport by wind, and the center is bare.
More like fields of dead grass and empty Bojangles cups.
Time and again I was reminded of Picnic at Hanging Rock when watching the dead grass and huge gums sway in the breeze.
Dead grass, broken slides, a couple of rubber swings drifting in the wind on tangled, rusty chains.
To look at it another way, consider a lush, well - landscaped backyard, with beautiful trees and bushes, a graceful water feature, and luxurious teak furniture — all sitting in mud and patches of dead grass.
I always wonder if one day I will find traces of his body, a small skeleton hidden amongst the dead grass.
The breed standard describes their color as «sedge» or «dead grass
A dog that is out of coat will often have a texture that is rather coarse and it may even have a feel or look of «dead grass».
For camouflage purposes, Chessies are supposed to be the color of dead grass or sedge, which means any shade of straw / tan / brown / reddish brown.
Now we see the nice patches of super dense green grass where they pee instead of dead grass.
There are some random sculptures and dead grass.
Spade by spade, I turned the turf over so the dead grass would decompose into the soil.
«If over 60 percent is weeds or dead grass or bare spots, you may want to think about starting over,» Myers says.
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