Sentences with phrase «demand change»

The ultimate question is, does a change in expectations demand a change in your overall portfolio?
By the time parliament returned from its long summer recess there were over 50 signatures on an early day motion demanding a change of heart.
It's important to recognize, however, that this is a direct result of citizens demanding change at the voting booth.
Is it possible for there to be religious communities that don't demand change from their members?
It doesn't demand change, and it doesn't really do anything itself.
«Change comes when people demand change and change comes when the problem is revealed and exposed,» he said.
So when demand changes you're more than ready to capture every sale.
But the people who run our schools, and the parents who depend on them, must demand change if they want it to happen.
No business can survive without some kind of change: consumer and market demands change every year.
This means developing a thorough understanding of who your audience is, then adjusting your focus as trends and demands change over time.
They all know we are not a top club at this time but are demanding change so that we can be a top club.
They are now pressing for reform in the same way that the press demanded change after the expenses scandal.
Who most demands change — the artist, the market, or the latest media?
Indeed, a petition demanding the changes set out in the conference motion has, within a few hours, attracted hundreds of signatures of party members.
My experience has been when clients demand a change, law firms, given the competitive environment, will bend over backward to change and satisfy the client wishes.
For culture can be judged by critical standards: indeed, such a critical attitude which demands change is an essential element of culture itself.
There are many things happening where a full report unfolding over time is required before people start demanding change.
Our pool of skilled experts allow you to demand changes during or even after the delivery of your order.
The seeds of a new movement demanding change are forming.
The silver lining — and it's real — is a public demanding change and a political environment ripe for reform.
Over your years of practice, petroleum products and gas demands change over the years.
I for once demand change as i see a constant decline and downward trend that our club is taking.
Although we struggled for several years to get changes made, forming a coalition and demanding change ultimately led to many of the improvements we were seeking.
The debate over road pricing looks set to be revived after the Conservative chair of the energy and climate change committee demanded the change.
Once you start getting bored or your body demands change in workouts to improve, you switch to another program, which will cost you again.
But dating over age of 50 never demand any change in your behaviour because everyone know already that whatever you are at this stage it is just because of journey of your life.
Your initial draft struck an appropriate balance between demanding change and respecting the discretion of states and school districts to tailor policies to their unique needs.
These 15 actors demanded changes to their film's scripts, or else!
Did the change of root mechanics demand the change of its core team?
For example, the shift up to a major (country level) energy policy towards mitigation might need to assess demand changes from adaptation across a wide range of sectors.
This variability is monitored and compensated in the same way utilities monitor demand changes each day, so there are not any actual changes in power supply for the end users.
While trans activists and their allies demanded this change, the BC Liberal government insisted for years that the change was unnecessary.
My professional and personal experiences have taught me that, when the soul demands change, the journey can be both satisfying and scary.
The Parent Trigger also gives new political leverage to parents, who can demand changes at public schools that unions may not support.
These variables act to protect the viewer from demanding changes in attitude and behavior.
We must advocate for regenerative farms and demand change from our politicians.
Such grids will enable utility companies to monitor energy use in minute detail, allowing them to alter the price of electricity as demand changes.
The market demands change, so alternative fee arrangements are the new standard.
But in the case of dogs, the key to therapy is to not demand change — don't think, «old dog, new tricks» — but to provide unconditional love.
So why is it that the MP tasked with overseeing our constitutional arrangements is now demanding a change of plan?
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