Sentences with word «demigoddess»

A demigoddess is a female being who is partly divine or has godlike qualities, but is not a full-fledged goddess. Full definition
But a sequel featuring the lasso - weilding demigoddess is reportedly in the works.
demigoddess ˈdemēˌgädis) a being with partial or lesser divine status, such as a minor deity, the offspring of a god and a mortal, or a mortal raised to divine rank.
Fallen demigoddess Malice has to regain her skills and powers and save the universe, all while exacting her revenge on the head - eating Dog God.
But Blanchett's demigoddess feels impotent when relegated to CG - laden hand - to - hand combat — why, when she can snap her fingers and kill them all?
Molly teaches herself about Texas hold»em and the vices of rich men, and then saunters around her high - end gambling den like a unimpressed demigoddess in designer stilettos.
Marston, a Tufts University psychology professor, drew inspiration for the superhero demigoddess from early feminists like Ethel Byrne and Margaret Sanger, who founded the American Birth Control League, which later became the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
It helps that the demi - goddess warrior princess is played by real - life demigoddess warrior princess Gal Gadot.
It seems like Alexandra Daddario is not only a demigoddess on screen.
Amirpour's visceral approach to genre filmmaking would make her an ideal choice to tackle any given superhero franchise, and in many ways, her central heroine, Arlen (Suki Waterhouse), is every bit as fierce as Gal Gadot's demigoddess.
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