Sentences with phrase «diabetic mothers»

Can exercise during pregnancy for diabetic mothers reduce the instances of congenital heart defects?
Babies born to diabetic mothers need to have their own blood sugars closely monitored, and formula tops ups are needed if they are too low.
But, it is also important to note that it can cause a dip in your blood sugar level and some extra caution when using it is necessary for diabetic mothers.
Compared with newborns of non-diabetic women, children of diabetic mothers with poorly controlled glycaemia show neurophysiological impairment and have a higher risk for metabolic syndrome, obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus in later life.»
The incidence of thrush or mastitis is significantly higher in diabetic mothers who have sore nipples.
Nursing diabetic mothers who take insulin should look out for signs of hypoglycemia.
I've had other pediatricians and nurses and department chairs of pediatrics at «baby friendly» hospitals act as if I had ordered cyanide when I ordered a supplementary bottle after breastfeeding for babies whose mom's milk had not yet come in, or immediate formula for infants of diabetic mothers, who would very likely develop severe hypoglycemia if not fed.
Diabetic mums — Some health care providers recommend pumping in late pregnancy for diabetic mothers.
This delay could be due to a combination of reasons including hormonal issues, the high rate of c - sections in diabetic mothers, premature delivery, and the separation of mom and baby at birth.
I am diabetic and it doesn't raise my blood sugar; however, it does for my diabetic mother - in - law.
During pregnancy, diabetic mothers - to - be receive a lot of attention from their health care providers (HCPs).
When a diabetic mother is the cause of LGA, the baby will likely have problems regulating their own blood glucose.
There are a multitude of medical reasons why babies need formula, including stabilizing their blood sugar — which is a common problem for larger babies and babies born to diabetic mothers.
If the baby is premature, or stressed from a difficult birth, or the infant of a diabetic mother, or more than the usual number of red blood cells are breaking down (as happens in blood incompatibility), the level of bilirubin in the blood may rise higher than what is usual.
If you are a diabetic mother and are breastfeeding, it has been shown that you may have less insulin requirements as well.
Babies born to diabetic mothers are often larger than normal.
Even though it seems like years away, it is important to keep in the back of your mind that babies, especially those of diabetic mothers, should not be given any solid foods until 6 months of age.
Children of obese or diabetic mothers have an increased risk for type 2 diabetes and obesity in adulthood, independent of their genetic background.
The most eminent predictors in females were diabetic mother, BMI, and age, whereas in males, they were BMI and body fat.
Just did a back to back test using my meter along side my diabetic mothers meter and it turns out that my meter reads on average 20 points higher than hers does.
While her father is away working in the Liberian bush, Sarina, a 12 - year - old American white girl, has to care for her diabetic mother, who is angry, possessive, and sometimes crazy; when Sarina becomes friends with a gentle boy named Boima, she does not notice the hardships he must live with.
Impaired glucose tolerance in adolescent offspring of diabetic mothers.
Using event - related potentials to study perinatal nutrition and brain development in infants of diabetic mothers
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