Sentences with phrase «didactic instruction»

Didactic instruction refers to a teaching approach where the teacher directly gives information or knowledge to students in a clear and straightforward way. It focuses on providing facts, explanations, and guidance to help students learn and understand specific topics or subjects. Full definition
Designed for clinicians with some family therapy background at the post-graduate level, this seminar includes 10 hours of didactic instruction in the foundational elements of the FIW Multi-Contextual Framework and 22 hours of group supervision.
Graduate from a CODA - accredited dental hygiene school, which requires the successful completion of at least 75 hours of clinical and didactic instruction in restorative functions, or 1c.
Both were White, had 5 + years of teaching experience, and were traditional in their instructional approaches, relying primarily on didactic instruction such as lectures and worksheets.
We use didactic instruction, demonstrations from training tapes, live demonstrations with couples, and provide opportunities for formal and informal case supervision.
These methods include didactic instruction, multimedia presentations, group discussions, experiential exercises, clinical video presentations, case consultations, and live case enactments.
Hands - on forms of learning are much preferred over exclusively didactic instruction, which rarely translates into long - term learning (Durlak and Weissberg, «The Impact of Afterschool» 28).
The curriculum is designed to facilitate articulation from the Medical Assistant Program and provides training though didactic instruction and directed practice externships.
Complete a state certification program in expanded function dental assisting of at least 200 hours of clinical and didactic instruction from either a CODA - accredited dental assisting program or a Pennsylvania Board - approved dental assisting program, AND 2.
The trainings offer didactic instruction, video tape demonstrations, experiential exercises, and a live demonstration with a couple, in accordance with the training guidelines as set forth by the International Center for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT).
By getting rid of the Common Core, we will get rid of the Common Core early childhood approach to learning that 500 of the country's most prominent early childhood professionals say harms young children due to the Common Core emphasis on didactic instruction and reduction in active learning through play and inquiry.
The program will include didactic instruction, case review, and in - session experiential learning.
Balanced instruction — using both didactic instruction and independent inquiry to help prepare students for independent work;
The letter argued that the standards would lead to «long hours of instruction» in literacy and math, inappropriate testing, and didactic instruction that would» [cut] off children's initiative, curiosity, and imagination, limiting their later engagement in school and the workplace, not to mention responsible citizenship.»
Didactic instruction and testing will crowd out other crucial areas of young children's learning: active, hands - on exploration, and developing social, emotional, problem - solving, and self - regulation skills — all of which are difficult to standardize or measure but are the essential building blocks for academic and social accomplishment and responsible citizenship.
Didactic instruction and testing will crowd out other important areas of learning.
Will their schools be places of extreme test preparation, didactic instruction, and a curriculum that is narrowed by the parameters of tests?
And as the Harvard developmental psychologist Howard Gardner pointed out in a Boston Globe Globe article titled, «Is the Common Core Killing Kindergarten», «Overuse of didactic instruction and testing cuts off children's initiative, curiosity, and imagination, limiting their engagement in school.»
The program combines hands - on learning and didactic instruction, providing students with rounded education in both clinical and administrative skills.
The master's program in mental health counseling or a related field should consist of at least 60 semester hours of clinical and didactic instruction.
Using a format of didactic instruction, demonstration play sessions, required at - home play sessions, and supervision, parents are taught basic child - centred play therapy principles and skills, including tracking, responsive listening, returning responsibility to children, the ACT model of limit setting, and how to structure weekly 30 - minute play sessions with their children using a special kit of selected toys.
Using a format of didactic instruction, demonstration play sessions, required at - home play sessions, and supervision, parents are taught basic child - centered play therapy principles and skills including tracking, responsive listening, reflecting feelings, returning responsibility to children, the ACT model of limit setting, building children's self - esteem and how to structure weekly 30 - minute play sessions with their children using a special kit of selected toys.
This course includes both didactic instruction and experiential approaches, mirroring the model itself, which help clients both understand their stuck places and have a new, corrective experience in the therapy room.
Utilized power point presentation and didactic instruction on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator.
In addition to didactic instruction, we offer sand and miniatures, art, and contemplative practices to help settle intellectual understanding into the body for whole - brained learning and personal healing.
The training involves a combination of didactic instruction, demonstrations from training tapes, live demonstrations with couples, and opportunities for formal and informal case supervision.
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