Sentences with phrase «diet thing»

I'm afraid there's something in this low - carb diet thing.
We are doing the primal diet thing as a household..
Of course, there are natural diet things that help, right?
Then, to make it even worse, add in this whole low - fat diet thing.
because I've been so good on this gluten - free diet thing.
Jorge and I have been doing the low carb diet thing for a little while, but we were desperately missing our favorite Sunday breakfast — pancakes.
By now you might be intrigued about giving this alkaline diet thing a shot, but how can you really tell if it's working?
If you are new to the whole ketogenic diet thing, then definitely check out our Ketosis101: What is the ketogenic diet guide and see the comprehensive list of foods you can eat during the ketogenic diet.
When #Paleo was the «in» diet thing just a few years back, I was regularly mocked, chided, and dismissed in that...
I love wine and while we can talk about the health benefits of resveratrol in red grapes, the truth is you need to drink gallons of the stuff to get the resveratrol effect, which then cancels out the whole healthy paleo diet thing.
Paleo Pizza - Im iffy on the whole paleo diet thing, but Im just intensely curious how this would taste / compare.
I'm not into the whole crazy - January - diet thing, but I do like pushing the reset button with a bit more veggies and a bit less booze, at least for a few weeks!
My kids, from a very early age, ate as a regular part of their diet things that many American adults are hesitant to try — squid, octopus, intestine, blood pudding, curries.
I keep getting motivated to get healthy and lose weight, but the diet thing always gets in my way.
I have included in our diet things like walnuts, avocado, a lot more veg (trying to consume 5 a day in veg alone — mixed range and especially spinach and sweet potato (we now like sweet potato instead of regular potatoes!)-RRB-
seems like i am not sure what «weight training to do» and what diet is best for me... i have been an NPC competitor and am not new to the diet thing..
As with all these diet things, the j / d has to be the MAJOR (> 95 %) component of the diet to get the benefits.
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